Chapter 3

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Ad is being held for questioning after the incident at the infirmary. He is now at the office together with Dr. Sakaki, Tsubaki, and Tatsumi.

Tsubaki held her ear and spoke.

"Deliver rations at the office asap."

"I'm sorry. I already knew that you have a parasyte armlet and I didn't bring any rations beforehand. My bad. Please hold your hunger for a while. Food will arive soon."

Dr. Sakaki appologizes. Now Tsubakki steps in and starts explaining.

"While we wait, allow me to tell you what's going to happen to you from now on. You will become a God Eater."

"Me? A God Eater?"

Tsubaki nodded.

"Given the parasyte aragami that is in your arm, you will have to need a lot of rations in order to survive. But we can't feed two plates on one person. The world is at crisis and we're short on supply. You're going to have to fight aragami in order to survive."

"But I can't barely control the Devour. It just happens on its own. And also, don't have a God arc. How do you expect me to fight an aragami?"

Dr. Sakaki clears his throat.

"Allow me to continue on my discussion, what happened to you is extremely rare. Right now you are a special type of God eater. By special, I mean for the worst part."

Dr. Sakaki fixed his glasses and continued.

"The broken God arc that you picked up, there's a portion of the aragami that remains inside. It contains the same bias factor that is in your armlet, allowing you to be able to wield it. However, the aragami is too small now that a large part of it migrated into your arm. It won't have the strength to support a normal God arc even if we fixed it. Right now, the God arc is being modified by Licca. She's trying to make a weapon that's suitable for your situation."

The questioning ended. The rations arrived and Ad ate it like a man starved for a month. Ad was given a temporary bed at the infirmary as they prepare a room for him in HQ.

 Ad was given a temporary bed at the infirmary as they prepare a room for him in HQ

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The next day, Ad was called was told to go to the God arc storage room. From there, be saw a girl with a white hair wearing a blacksmith's clothing.

"You're here!"

The girl greeted.

The storage room had God arcs lined up from the sides. All of which are huge in size be it a sword or a gun.

"Ad, was it? Nice to finally meet you. My name is Licca. I'm the engineer that make and fixes God arcs."

'She seems to be cheerful.'

"Can I have a look at your armlet?"

"Oh, sure."

As showed Licca his arm.

God Eater: Ad VancerWhere stories live. Discover now