Chapter 7

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After Ad discovered that performing devours could feed his armlet and not make him hungry, Dr. Sakaki suggested he tried to use an O-ampule if it would have the same effect.

Ad tried the O-ampule and he did not feel hungry anymore. Like Dr. Sakaki told him, Ad reported back to the laboratory immediately.

"Dr. Sakaki?"

Ad slowly opened the door on the lab. Dr. Sakaki was there still typing on the computer.

"Yes, how may I help you?"

Dr. Sakaki asked still looking on his monitor.

"It's Ad. You told me to come here after I tried the O-ampule."

Dr. Sakaki stops from his work and excitedly approaches Ad.

"Really? So, did it work?"

"Yeah. I'm not feeling hungry anymore. How did you know it would work?"

Dr. Sakaki fixed his glasses.

"This is amazing. Fascinating indeed. Perhaps its true then, that aragamis..."


'He's babbling stuff again.'

"I'm sorry Ad. I was caught in science back there. Anyway, to answer your question, I knew because performing devours allow the God arc to steal bits of oracle points from the aragami it devours and then converts it into bullets. However, in your case, I figured that when you devoured an aragami and not felt hungry anymore means that the armlet that you have had taken nourishment from the oracle points that is supposed to be converted into bullets."

'I don't understand the details but what I think the Dr. is trying to say to me is that If I took bullets by devouring aragamis then my armlet could get fed by those bullets.'

"You've done well Ad. Keep reporting to me after you find anything informative about your armlet. If you'll excuse me, it seems like I've got more work to do."

After Ad's report to Dr. Sakaki, he went back to his section and took a rest.

The next day. It was noon and the defense unit took on a mission at the old city to slay a fallen kongou. The defense unit is composed of Tatsumi, Brendan, Shun, and Kanon.

They are currently battling the fallen kongou. Shun was precise on his slashes, Tatsumi aggressively strikes, Brendan smashes with all his strength, while Kanon focuses on healing and supporting.

They make good teamplay against the fallen kongou but the aragami won't fall without a fight.

"Guys, I'm almost out of items."

Kanon as she blasts blaze radial bullets on the fallen kongou.

"This aragami is almost over!" 

Shun landing a slash on the fallen kongou's tail.

The fallen kongou screeched in pain. Then it refrained from its berserk and started running away.

"Quick! let's chase it before it get back on its feet."

Tatsumi followed by the team chased the limping aragami. While they had their eyes on it and as they ran on an alley, suddenly the walls from their side explodes and it blew them away. Debris covered them. 

Brendan recovered, and lifted the debris that covered him and made himself free. Shun and Tatsumi followed.

"Where's Kanon? Kanon!"

Brendan calls for her name.

"I'm over here."

Kanon was still covered in debris. The three of them helped free Kanon and pulled her up.

"Thanks. What just happened?"

Kanon faced from where the explosion came from. She hears metal walking. After waiting for a while, a fallen Borg Camlann appears on the field, a red one.

"A fallen borg camlann? I thought the place was clear of any aragami  but the fallen kongou." -Shun

"C'mon! We have to retreat." -Tatsumi

The fallen borg camlan charges with its shield joined at front as it chases them as they ran. It tried to run over them but they jumped and rolled over to dodge. After that, the fallen borg camlann break its shield and begins waving its tail aggressively in the air then hit the God eaters. Brendan, Shun, then Tatsumi. The three of them growled as they fell incapacitated.

Kanon was the only one left. She used her last remaining item which is a stun grenade. It blinded the fallen borg camlann and she quickly hid inside one of the ruined buildings.

Kanon held her ear to make a call.

"This is Kanon, we need back up asap. There's a fallen borg camlann that interrupted the mission."

You can hear from the other line that she's trembling and crying.

"On it."

Hibari answers from the other line.

From the Fenrir HQ, Hibari received Kanon's call for backup. She called Tsubaki to deploy an escape chopper and deploy all remaining God eaters for backup.

However, the alpha unit was also out on a important mission and won't be able to help. The only one who is available to help was Ad.

Tsubaki rushes to find Ad from the lobby. At the lobby, Ad was there sitting while listening to the young Erina teach him about the effects of items and God arcs.

'My pride crumbles as I'm being taught by this kid. But I need all the information I could get in order to become a fine God eater.'

Tsubaki approached them.

"Ad you're being deployed immediately for back up. Get your God arc."

Ad stood up.

"Kid, I'll be back, tell me all about it later."

"Go get 'em Ad oni-chan!"

Young Erina cheered.

Ad acted fast and did as commanded.

Ad finds himself at the chopper with Tsubaki.

"Ad, we'll land you near Kanon and the other's coordinates. Take these restore pills and use it to get them back at their feet. After that, run the hell back to the chopper and we escape. Got that?"

Tsubaki ran down the operation to Ad.

"Roger that."

Ad nodded.

The chopper hovered down on an area at the old city. From there Ad was deployed and his operation to save the defense unit starts.

Ad rushes to the field. When he saw the fallen borg camlann, he crouched and walked slowly. Ad climbed a stairs from a ruined building. From there, he could see Shun, Brendan, and Tatsumi. All incapacitated.

Suddenly, there was an explosion away from a building away from them. The fallen borg camlann follows the explosion.

'That must be Kanon. She's luring the aragami away from her comrades.'

Ad acted fast. He used the opportunity to link aid and gace restore pills to the incapacited defense unit.

"Ad. Thanks for coming for our aid. Where's Kanon?"

Tatsumi, grabbing Ad by the shirt after aiding him.

"No time to explain. I need to go help her. Call Tsubaki to carry you guys from here."

Tatsumi understood.

"Save her Ad. I'm counting on you."

Ad nodded for an answer and started running towards the fallen borg camlann.

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