Chapter 9

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Ad was falling out of the building.


Kanon yelled worried.

'Great, now I got enough bullets.'

Ad thought as he falls.

The next moment that happened was fast. Ad quickly switched his devour back to an armlet and the aimed his pistol down on the ground where he is about to land.

However, under him was the fallen kongou. It was the same kongou Kanon and the rest of the defense unit fought earlier.

Ad was already aiming his pistol on the resting kongou. Ad rapidly pulls the trigger and shot the kongou with all of the bullets he gathered from the fallen borg camlann.

The Kongou did not expect the surprise attack from above. It screeched and knocked down on the ground.

Ad finally lands above the knocked out kongou. The kongou growled.

'Amazing, he quickly performed multiple devours from underneath the fallen borg camlann and collected its blaze bullets. And then he used it all to the fallen kongou the was resting just below the other side of the building. I see. So that's why he suddenly checked his radar, to check for the kongou's position in order to propell himself straight into it. Ad, is an amazing God eater.'

Hibari thought as she watched Ad from the monitors.

"Now for the second part."

Ad said and switched his armlet to a devour. He perform a devour on top of the knocked out kongou. The mouth of the devour held its place and was just muching on the kongou. The devour kept on munching on the kongou until it was finally dead. It's good the the kongou already took a beating from the defense unit earlier.

'Now he is gathering bullets from the fallen kongou by feasting on its knocked out body. Amazing'

Hibari thought and kept help but feel in awe.

"The kongou has been eliminated."

Hibari said from the other line.

Kanon heard it.

"How did that happen?"

Kanon said surprised and with wide eyes.

"Ad took care of him."

Hibari responded.

"I see, so he's okay."

Kanon sighed in relief. She then readied herself to battle again. She can"t go easy when the borg camlann is still roght there in front of her.

Ad was on his way up to Kanon.

The borg camlann kept on landed strikes on Kanon and kanon kept on dodging by rolling on the ground.

When Ad was finally up, he joins with Kanon.

Kanon took a pill to restore her Oracle points.

"You ready?"

Kanon asked.

Ad responded with a nod.

Ad and Kanon stood in front of the borg camlann. Suddenly, both of them simultanously ran through both sides of the borg camlann. Ad on the right and Kanon on the left. From there, kanon use a flamethrower like freeze bullet and ran it through the borg camlann's body. On the other hand, Ad rapidly fired all of the bullets he acquired from devouring the fallen kongou. All of which are special freeze bullets, highly effective against the fallen borg camlann's blaze armor. The borg camlann screeched in pain while the oracle cells from different parts of its body unbound one after the other.

Ad and Kanon made it all the way behind the borg camlann. All their bullets are empty and their oracle points depleted. Without both of them looking back, the borg camlann fell on its knees and into the ground.

"Aragami has been eliminated."

Hibari said from the other line.

Ad and Kanon looked at each other in the eye and then smiled.

After their battle with the fallen borg camlann and the fallen kongou, both Ad and Kanon made it back to Fenrir HQ safely.

When they got there, Kanon was welcomed with his fellow defense unit members with hugs and thanks. They were all worried about Kanon and was glad that she made it back safe. Ad on the other hand was given overwhelming thanks for saving their lives.

After all that was done, Tsubaki approached Ad. She congratulated him first for his success on the mission and was given praise for what he did during the mission.

"That was an amazing thing you did out there. Hibari told me about your plan and how you executed it. Although it went smooth but pulling such stunts may cause you your death. Be extra careful from now on."

Tsubaki said as an instructor.

"Come on Tsubaki, take it easy on him. You know he did save everyone."

Hibari said to Tsubaki.

Tsubaki let out a sigh.

"Ad, take some rest and when you're done, report back to Dr. Sakaki."

Ad did a salute and then Tsubaki went on her way.

Ad went back to his section and took some rest. After he has rested, he went straight to Dr. Sakaki's lab.

Ad knocked on the door before entering.


Ad asked as he half opened the door.

"Yes, you should keep a close eye on him during the mission."

Iy was Dr. Sakaki. It sounded like he was talking to someone.

"Ah! Ad, come inside. I have been waiting for you."

Dr. Sakaki invited Ad. Ad went in and saw the Dr. with a girl.

The girl that stood next to the Dr

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The girl that stood next to the Dr. had a short black hair, green eyes and a top that pretty revealing from the back, a skirt that elongates to the right, and high heels. She also has an armlet which makes her a God Eater.

"Ad, allow me to introduce to you, Sakuya."

Dr. Sakaki presented Sakuya.

"Pleasure to meet you."

Sakuya said with a nod.


Ad responded shortly.

"Alright, now that both of you are here. I shall start explaining my agenda."

Dr. Sakaki said as he fixed his glasses.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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