Chapter 5

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Ad and Gina aborted their mission and went back to HQ after fighting because of the Black hannibal appearing in the mission. Ad and Gina are now at the front desk with the operator Hibari.

"What happened back there Hibari? I thought that the mission was supposed to be only composed of Cocoons maidens."

Gina asked with a hand on her hip.

"It's because of the Black Hannibal. It's causing an abnormal aragami behavior."

Ad and Gina were confused.

"Allow me to explain."

Dr. Sakaki stepped in and fixed his glasses.

"We've been tracking down the movements of the Black hannibal but it always gets away from our detectors. The Alpha unit have tried to kill the aragami twice now but it keeps on coming back. As for its abnormal appearance in different areas, from it's behavior, we could say that it is looking for something."

"And what could that be Dr. Sakaki?"

Gina butted.

"That, I don't know. The information we know as of now comes from the alpha unit's fights with the aragami. We don't know what it does outside of combat."

'The Black aragami that attacked me from the Ghetto. Who would've thought that it was this troublesome. Well it IS a large aragami and a strong one. They said that the Alpha unit have fought it twice now. They must be Alisa and the others. What's mysterious  is how come it doesn't die? It keeps getting back on it's feet. How do we kill that aragami?'

Gina reported what happened during the mission. She mentioned Ad saving her life and that he killed two zygotes. Ad was able to barely aim his pistol but he also discovered how to reload it on his own before Gina even mentioned how to. Regarding the phase 4, Ad passed.

The next day, Ad was called to the lobby.

Ad was still sleeping in the ward room. When he woke up, after he finished preparing himself. He rode the elevator to the lobby. When he finally reached the lobby the elevator door opened.


Licca was actually waiting at the front of the elevator to surprise Ad.

"Wha!" Ad backs away and trips on himself. He fell down sitting on the floor.

Licca cracked a laugh.

"Haha! If I were and aragami you could've been eaten."

Ad frowned.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll grow into a fine one."

Licca gave Ad a hand and pulled him up.

Behind Licca was Dr. Sakaki and Instructor Tsubaki.

"Congratulations! You've now finished the final phase of becoming the new special type of God eater. Although your mission yesterday was interrupted but you've shown potential and as a result you passed."

Dr. Sakaki explained.

"Wait, does that mean I'm now a full fledged God eater?"

Ad still can't believe it. Back then when he tried to qualify to be a God eater he was rejected and had to live the rest of his life in the ghetto evading aragamis that may cross his path. But now he can finally fight and contribute to saving the humanity from the apocalypse.

"Damn right you are."

Tsubaki who was beside Dr. Sakaki.

"Congrtulations. But don't think that it all ends here. Actually, it has only begun. The life of being a God eater is like hell. You need to be strong in order to last."

Ad responded seriously with a nod.

"Now that you're a God Eater. You are granted access to one of the rooms at the rookie section."

'I got my own room? Does this mean I won't have to sleep in the ward anymore.'

Ad smiled at the thought of having his own room. Now he finally has a place to stay. Back then at the ghetto, he kept on transferring from ruined houses to broken buildings just to find a safe place to stay. It was uncomfortable, but now he has a bed to sleep on.

Tsubaki taught Ad all he needs to know, how to get missions, where to repair his god arc, and the basics on how to use the terminal. Ad has been appointed to be part of the defense unit, that is with Gina and Tatsumi. Since he is only starting to be a God eater, he can only accept low level missions, and since he is a part of the defense unit, he could only accept missions that are in the area near HQ.

*Suddenly, Ad's stomach growls*

Ad went to get some rations to eat. He was only given one pack. He tried to get more but he can't. There's a rule that a person only gets one ration a day, and they had to wait before lunch break before they can get food provided by the HQ for everyone.

However, Ad was so hungry. His stomach kept on growling and growling. It was because of his armlet. An aragami that also nourishes from his nutrients. A parasite.

'Dammit, I'm so hungry. I don't know if I'll survive the day. I don't think lunch will suffice my hunger even If I waited. There's got to be something I could do.'

Ad thought hard. What can he do to stop his hunger. He remembers his mission with Gina yesterday.

'Yesterday when we got back from the mission I wasn't hungry anymore. Could it be.'

Ah suddenly had a revelation. Like a light bulb just popped out of his head.

Ad went to the lobby, from there he talked to Hibari

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Ad went to the lobby, from there he talked to Hibari.

"Hibari! Do you have any missions available right now? One with aragamis?"

"Let me check."

Hibari searched the database for missions.

"Ah! There is."

Hibari presented Ad the details of the mission.

"Good I'll take it!."

Ad deployed outside for the mission. 

His mission was to hunt down 3 roaming Ogretails spotted roaming at the perimeter of the city.

Ad spotted the 3 Ogretails. They were walking along the side of the tall wall that protects the city from the outside.

Ad's armlet was shaking ferociously at the sight of the aragamis. Ad tried to calm it down and it stopped.

"Gotta stay calm."

Ad's tongue was salivating.


God Eater: Ad VancerWhere stories live. Discover now