Chapter 4

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Ad finished the first 3 phases before he can become a God Eater. After phase 3, Ad spent the rest of the day at the training room. His steps are farther and his jumps are higher.  Ad tried to get used to the effect of the armlet, that is the increase of agility and strength of his body.

The next day, he was called to the lobby for phase 4. Ad went to the lobby, the place where he can get missions. From there, a girl with an orange hair and a uniform was handling the missions.

"Hello, you must be Ad, the new special type God Eater everyone is talking about."

Hibari has a cheerful expression.

"My name is Hibari Takeda. I work in the mission counter. They called you here for the phase 4 of you becoming a God Eater right?"

Ad nodded yes.

A girl steps in the scene. She has white short hair wearing a purple jacket. She's also kind of flat at the front.

 She's also kind of flat at the front

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"So, you must be the new rookie. My name's Gina Dickinson. I'm a first generation sniper. Way to go for not being late on the first day."

Gina cleared her throat.

"Anyway, for the phase 4, you need to be able to aim using your God arc. Although our guns are of different types Mine's a sniper and your's... a pistol? I'm a  gun specialist so I can also give you pointers on how to use that thing."

"Gina, the mission's ready."

Hibari while typing on the counter.

"Your name's Ad right? We're going out on a mission."

Ad and Gina deployed on a mission. The chopper landed them on the of one of the ruined buildings.

"There are 3 big rules; Don't die. If you're in trouble, Run. Lastly, Hide. Well all of it actually leads to one big rule, Survive."

Ad swallowed his saliva. The three big rules he needed to remember in being a God Eater, survive.

"We will be fighting against Cocoon maidens at the ghetto. There have been dozens popping out from around the outside of the perimeter. Killing those will be a good practice for aiming, since Cocoon maidens don't move from their spot. They just stand there shooting fireballs. But don't underestimate these things got that? One wrong move and you're food for aragami."

Gina lead Ad around the ghetto, searching for the Cocoon maidens. When they finally spotted one, they hid behind a ruined building for cover.

"There it is. What now?"

Ad whispered.

"Just watch and learn."

Gina carried her God arc and aimed it towards the stationary Cocoon maiden. Gina then slowly pulls the trigger and shoots. The bullet traveled fast and hit the Cocoon maiden in the head. The aragami now starts to slowly disappear.

God Eater: Ad VancerWhere stories live. Discover now