Chapter 6

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Ad went on a mission to hunt 3 Ogretails outside the perimeter of the Fenrir HQ.

Ad walked slowly, crouching and steadily approached the 3 Ogretails. He takes cover behind the broken wall and is now 4 meters away from the Ogretails and they haven't spotted him yet.

'I need to maintain distance, my God arc's a pistol so going against them at a close combat range would be suicide. Well I do have a shield. That's it! I have a plan.'

Ad aims through his cover. He shoots 6 shots of his pistol to the Ogretails closest to his position. The Ogretails reacted with a roar and turned towards Ad. The aragami is now activated and rushes towards Ad. Ad then jumps out of his cover and keeps on shooting his pistol on the same Ogretail he shot earlier.

'I'll take them down one by one.'

*click* *click*

'I have only twelve bullets. To reload I need to...'

Ad rushes towards the 3 charging Orgetails. The next events that happened were fast. Ad performs a devour on the first Ogretail and it tripped down and slid on the ground. Ad jumped over it while his armlet glowed, a sign that it took a bullet from the aragami and has reloaded. After that, Ad quickly changes the form of his armlet into a buckler to block the incoming gnaw from an Ogretail from the right. At the same time, he used his pistol to shoot the head of the Ogretail from the left and it backed away. While Ad's buckler was being chomped from the Ogretail from the right, he switched it back to an armlet and pulled his arm out then immediately performs a devour on the head of the Ogretail. His armlet glowed. After that the he kept on shooting the last Ogretail left with his pistol until it died.

Ad successfully slays 3 Ogretails in an instant. He stood there panting.

'Seems like i don't feel hungry anymore. So it's true, the parasite in my arm may also gather nourishment from the aragamis it devoured.'

Ad then performed one last devours on the 3 Ogretails to get materials. After that, he went back to HQ and completed the mission.

After he went back, Ad wasn't feeling hungry anymore. He decided to report to Dr. Sakaki about what he had discovered about the armlet. So he went to the laboratory where he can find the doctor.

"Dr. Sakaki? Are you here?"

As Ad opened the door.

"Ad, what brings you here?"

Dr. Sakaki was sitting on his desk full of monitors and typing on a keyboard with a whole bunch of keys. Ad went in and stepped on a wire.

"There's just something I want to tell you but if you're busy, It can wait."

"No, it's fine. I can perform multiple tasks at the same time. I can listen to you while working. So what is it that you want to say to me?"

'This Doctor is amazing.'

"Okay then. Well, I discovered that my armlet could also gain nourishment from devouring aragamis. When I devoured an Ogretail I didn't feel hungry anymore."

Dr. Sakaki suddenly stopped from his typing. He then stood up from his desk and fixed his glasses.

"Devour you say?"

Dr. Sakaki confirms.


Dr. Sakaki approached Ad and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Ad, do you know what this means?"

"Umm, no?"

Ad felt a bit of suspense.

God Eater: Ad VancerWhere stories live. Discover now