Chapter 8

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Ad was deployed to save the defense unit from an unexpected aragami. Kanon had lured the unexpected aragami away from her incapacitated comrades. Ad has already linked aid to Shun, Brendan, and Tatsumi.

"Save her, Ad. I'm counting on you."

Tatsumi said and then Ad went on his way to save Kanon.

"Ad, I've sent you Kanon's coordinates. Please proceed with caution. We can't lose the two of you."

It was Hibari speaking from the other line.

"Roger that."

Ad said holding his earpiece.

"Your target is a fallen Borg Camlann and a Fallen Kongou is also on the loose. I'm sending you their coordinates."

Hibari said from the other line.

Ad's map device vibrated and it showed the location of Kanon and the Aragami's location.

'So, Kanon's fighting the borg camlann and the kongou is standing somewhere. Maybe it's eating.'

Ad hurried to where Kanon was.

When he finally arrived, the borg camlann was there and was about to sting Kanon with its tail

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When he finally arrived, the borg camlann was there and was about to sting Kanon with its tail. Kanon tried to dodge but she was cornered. She closed her eyes and readied herself for the worse. However, Ad jumped and hugged the tail. The borg camlan staggered and screeched. Kanon was surprised. The borg camlann smashed its tail on the building. Debris fell and Ad crash landed and rolled on the building's 2nd floor.

Kanon was in awe of Ad's bravery. However that was also reckless. Ad was wounded from the crash. He is now bleeding and contained a few broken bones.

"Kanon, do you hear me?"

Kanon held her earpiece, it was Hibari.

"Loud and clear."

Kanon responded.

"You have to heal Ad. He's in grave danger."

Hibari said from the other line.

"You don't have to tell me. I'm already on my way."

Kanon as she climbed the stairs and ran towards Ad.

Kanon pulled her plummel and changed her bullet to a radial heal. After that, she shot the radial onto Ad. Ad's wounds healed a little. Although just a little, it was enough to keep him back at his feet.


Ad said to Kanon.

"No, it's me who have to thank you. If you hadn't protected me I would have been hit by the aragami. I'm sorry, you got hurt because of me."

Kanon said looking at Ad's half-healed wounds.

"Don't worry about it. It was my mission to protect you. I had to do my job."

Ad replied.

The borgcamlann from outside the building raised its tail and sting it to where Ad and Kanon was standing. Ad saw it coming. Ad stepped forward and raised his arm. His armlet then transformed into a buckler shield. The borg camlann stinged its tail directly onto Ad's shield. Ad successfully blocks it right on time.

Behind Ad, Kanon used her blaster and shot the bog camlann with an explosive freeze bullet. The borg camlann screeched in pain.

After that, Ad circled behind the borg camlann. From there, Ad jumped and performed a devour onto the borg camlann's tail.

When performing a devour Ad acquires a special type of bullet relative to the aragami.

After Ad's devour on the borg camlann's tail, the devour quickly turned back into an armlet. He has now acquired a blaze element special type bullet.

While landing, Ad shot the borg camlann with his pistol using the bullet he just acquired. All the bullets hit the borg camlann directly, however it didn't do any much damage. The bullets were being deflected by the borg camlann's armor.

'My bullets aren't penetrating this aragami.'

Ad clenched his teeth.

"It won't work. The bullets you acquired from the aragami has the same element as THE aragami."

Kanon yelled to Ad.

'I see. So I won't be able to hurt this aragami by using the bullet I acquired by devouring it. A blaze bullet won't be able to hurt a that fallen borg camlanns blaze armor. I have to use a different type of element. An element that is highly effective against blaze. But where?

Wait, I just had an idea.'

Ad thought.

Ad suddenly began looking on his radar.

'I see.'

Ad thought then swallowed his courage.

The borg camlann turned around, while doing so, it whipped its tail to hit Kanon from the back. However Kanon jumped up to dodge its tail. When the borg camlann turned to face Ad, it tried to strike Ad using both of its shield hands. Ad jumps back, barely dodging the borg camlann's attack.

Kanon just keeps on dodging and shooting small freeze bombs at the side of the borg camlann. After a short while, the borg camlann screeched and started becoming more aggresive.

"The aragami has activated. Be careful guys."

Hibari from the other line.

"We're up for a feast."

Ad said and switches his armlet to a devour. Ad suddenly towards the raging borg camlann.

"Ad what are you doing!?"

Hibari said from the other line worried.

"Just watch."

Ad said and as soon as he is very close to the borg camlann, the borg camlann opens its mouth to swallow Ad as he ran towards it. But before Ad was about to get eaten he used his devour to bite through the borg camlann's legs. From there, Ad swinged himself to the side and straight under the borg camlann. Under the borg camlann, Ad perfmored multiple devours from underneath and then finally slides out.

"Th-that was amazing."

Kanon said standing in awe.

But Ad propelled himself too much and slides all the way out through the edge of the building floor and straight to a hole through the wall. Ad fell.


Kanon yelled worried. Ad was falling out of the building.

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