Chapter 3 - Moment Our Lives Changed

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Vampire Diaries, they belong to the writers of the show.

Elena's POV

It was coming up to a year now, even though I don't know how long it had been in my time. I missed everyone, my family and friends. I have gained more but it wasn't the same, I just hope that I haven't changed too much in the future.

Tonight is the full moon and we have made our way to the caves, Elijah and I are in a cave close by to his family, we did the same thing every full moon, except this time I hadn't seen or heard Klaus or Henrik in the caves with us. Then it dawned on me, tonight was the night Elijah would lose his youngest sibling, who I had come to care for also.

It kills me to know what lies ahead, and not be able to do anything to prevent it. I keep telling myself that this has to happen, it has to. So I make myself busy and I prepare dinner for myself and Elijah. Unknown to anyone else that I let a tear fall from my face, this night would change everything, the pain I feel at this moment will only be worse for the others.

Although I saved Henrik once before, I was unable to do so this time, seeing their faces after they came running to our aid by the waterfall the first time, only made realisation hit home, I couldn't save him, not this time. It was his time even though I didn't want it to be, he deserved to grow up into a young man and marry, have children. No matter how much I wanted that for him, I couldn't change the past/present, If I did everyone I know wouldn't exist, myself included.

Sleep was not easy to come by that night, knowing what was about to happen kept me up. Even with the arms of the man I love around me, I couldn't sleep. I laid there in silence and hoped that Elijah wouldn't wake up from my movements.

The next morning we had packed all our things and returned home, Elijah and I were kissing when we first heard it. Klaus was yelling in the village, I could hear voices of others screaming, Elijah ran out of the house and I followed shortly behind, already knowing the heartache that they were witnessing. Henrik lay lifeless in the arms of Klaus with blood covering him. My husband was supporting his mother and siblings, while I supported him. He needed me, they all did, so I stood back and waited for the mass of emotions that would come.

It had been a couple of weeks since the death of Henrik, everyone took it hard, Klaus the hardest since he blames himself, we supported him the best we could. He already felt alone even with his siblings, the lack of love from his parents had made him accept that he was destined to be alone. Not long after this had Mikael demanded, that their be a way for his family to protect themselves from the wolves, believing the caves weren't safe enough anymore. All this lead to the birth of Vampires.

We were all called one night for a family dinner, even myself. We entered the house belonging to my In-laws and waited, I knew what was coming but never made it known. Tonight was the night The Original vampires were created by Esther, an immortality spell which would use the dark magic, and in turn go against the servants of nature.

Mikael came and placed a cup of what I could only assume was something laced with Tatia's blood, the life essence of the original doppelgänger sitting in a cup on the table. one for each of us. He told us all to drink it, close our eyes and drink until it was all gone. We hesitated at first but we eventually succumbed to his glare, everyone sat a little on edge after being made to drink an unknown substance, and before I knew it, he had stabbed each of us in the chest.

Last thing I remember was Elijah standing in front of me and the next moment everything went black. As I started to come around everything was blurry and I could hear distorted sounds, after a couple of minutes my sense had settled feeling sharper than ever before. I knew everyone said that everything is heightened but until you go through it, you don't understand to what extent they mean.

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