Chapter 14 - Troubles

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Vampire Diaries, they belong to the writers of the show.

Everyone had come to an agreement to patrol the town, many vampires didn't have a daylight ring like Elena, Caroline and the Salvatores' did, so there were fewer problems. Night time was a different matter but at least most townspeople were oblivious to the things that go bump in the night.

Elena and Caroline had been out all day; they still had to keep up the teenage life. What people didn't know was the secrets these teens held, they had stopped to see Liz Forbes for any information but according to the Sheriff there hadn't been any attacks yet.

They spent most of the time on alert, keeping their ears open for any signs of a struggle but so far everything had been fine. Elena was able to protect herself now, being an original made it quite difficult to be killed, Caroline on the other hand was a lot younger but she could handle herself given the chance.

As Elena and Caroline were heading back to the mansion, they got ambushed by a dozen vampires who were unaware of the presence of an original. They decided to attack two 'vulnerable' baby vampires that had kept them from feeding. They knew of the patrols and wanted to kill the two young girls.

Upon hearing the noises in the surrounding forest, it was clear they weren't alone anymore, Elena and Caroline did all they could to prepare; Caroline quickly went to the closest tree and snapped off a branch. Just as she has created a stake a dark haired vampire headed straight for her, using her vampire speed she dodges and stakes him in the back.

Meanwhile only a few feet away from Caroline, Elena was dealing with three vampires, they have her surrounded, or so they thought, Elena just smirked at them and then in one swift movement she had copied Elijah's signature kill and ripped the hearts out of two vampires that were standing side by side.

Turning around and dropping the hearts as she did so, she grinned at the last vampire who seemed to be stuck on the same spot and in a flash Elena had planted her hand in his chest and extracted his heart.

Seeing that there are more vampires coming, she does the same as Caroline did and snapped a branch off a nearby tree, Elena making several stakes; she launches them at two oncoming vampires, as the stakes hit their target they stop abruptly and fall to the floor, slowly turning grey.

Caroline was holding her own, she had successfully staked some more vampires, and knowing that Elena was stronger and could look after herself, Caroline could concentrate on those in front of her.

She stakes one and suddenly gets pulled back by another, arms being held back as two young skinny vampires approach her. Feeling as though they have won they walk slowly, Elena seeing this swiftly moves behind the two vampires stalking towards her best friend and impaled their backs with her fists and ripping out their hearts from behind them. They hadn't seen it coming and they dropped to the floor even before they heard her coming.

From Caroline's stand point she doesn't see Elena behind them, so she panics. She is kicking and wiggling trying to get out of the arms of the one holding her in place. Suddenly she stops when she realizes the two people in front of her have fallen to the floor and she sees Elena standing there looking all happy with a smile that reaches her eyes.

The vampire holding Caroline had mistakenly loosened his grip when he saw his friends die and Caroline took this opportunity to elbow him away and at vampire speed pick up the fallen stake by her feet and stake him in the chest.

All the vampires had been taken care of but then a familiar face came into view, Tony was one of Klaus's hybrids who Jeremy decapitated. Tony showing his golden eyes, with his fangs protruding, quickly bites Caroline and snaps her neck. Elena rushes over to her aid and Tony takes this opportunity to collect several stakes from the dead vampires and launches them at Elena's back.

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