Chapter 15 - Changes

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Vampire Diaries, they belong to the writers of the show.

Everyone had gathered at the Mikaelson's Mansion, everyone was arguing with each other trying to decide what they should do to stop Esther.

Supernatural's that were once dead had returned, they don't know what Esther had done but it wasn't good. It brought back people they wish hadn't returned; this is what led them to the Mikaelson Mansion.

They had put a strong protection spell on the mansion until the ownership was changed; they decided to put the house in Bonnie & Jeremy's name so no extra vampires could walk in uninvited

The Salvatore's, Caroline and Elena had spent a lot of time protecting the residents of Mystic Falls, it was their home and they wished to protect the people they had grown to know.

Not all of the supernaturals were bad; some actually helped to protect the town. It was the same when a few familiar spirits had returned on Illumination Night. Mason Lockwood, Lexi, Anna, Jenna and Sheila Bennett were just a few names that tried to keep the humans safe.

While the arguing continued, Elena noticed that Bonnie was standing quietly and was slightly swaying; she called her name gently but didn't get a response.

Elena walked closer to her best friend and just as she reached her Bonnie collapsed; Elena screamed her name while catching her at the same time. Everyone had turned their attention to the unconscious Bennett witch and a worried looking Elena.

Kol rushed to Bonnie's side and clutched on to her hand, he didn't notice the vacant look in Elena's eyes as he asked her "What happened?!".

Elena couldn't answer him as darkness took over her, she fell to the ground. She couldn't hear or feel anything but Elijah had moved his wife on to another sofa across the room, he was trying his best not to show how worried he was, both Elena and Bonnie had fallen unconscious and no one knew why.

Elena was fighting to open her eyes, the last thing that she remembers was seeing Bonnie collapse next to her and then she had felt heaviness on her chest and soon after everything went black.

She could hear voices around her but she couldn't focus, her eyes felt heavy which was very strange considering her Vampire healing. She lay silently slowly waiting for her body to strengthen, after a while she managed to open her eyes to numerous pairs of eyes.

When Elena at up and looked at her surroundings, she found that Bonnie was sitting next to her. Not far behind her was a man with blonde hair and blue eyes that looked strangely familiar, although she couldn't put her finger on it. Though what she did notice was the distinct werewolf scent emanating from him.

"Where are we?...are we d..dead?" Bonnie asked worriedly, last thing she remembered was feeling a little off and waking up on the other side. For some reason it felt different to the other times; Ayana had only visited in her dreams but right now this wasn't a dream. She was sure of it.

"No you are not dead; we have summoned your spirits to this side" Ayana spoke to her descendant gently, trying not to scare the young witch any further.

"Our spirits? What about our bodies?" Elena asked for Bonnie, her best friend seemed to be slightly speechless. This was definitely not what they expected to happen during an argument.

"Your bodies are fine, still alive but in a comatose state," the elder witch answered.

"Ok...why are we here?" Elena asked with curiosity. She kept glancing back to the man beside her. She wasn't stupid and a werewolf being here meant something.

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