Chapter 9 - Heed This Warning

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Vampire Diaries, they belong to the writers of the show.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Bonnie shouted worriedly.

She looked around but couldn't see anyone, she was surrounded by fog that came up to her waist and when she turned around she saw a shadow. Her heart was starting to race, filled with worry. She tried to stand tall, the figure didn't get any closer but the fog did begin to clear.

The shadow wasn't such a shadow anymore; Bonnie's worries had faded as she looked at the solemn face of Ayana.

"My apologies for scaring you young Bonnie, but I had to make sure you weren't seen." Ayana's voice was soft as she spoke; apparently these meetings aren't always so private.

"What's going on?"

"Someone has been contacting this side; I believe it may be Esther. She seems to have someone helping her on this side, but we do not know who. I had to be sure our meeting was free from other intruders before we could speak freely." Ayana expressed, she was asking so much of Bonnie in their meetings it was more of a burden than anything else.

"Hence the fog...what do you think Esther wants with the other side. How is she strong enough?" Bonnie was now looking over Ayana's shoulder, not really focusing on anything in particular as she tried to search her brain for answers.

"Witches on this side have been watching Esther for a while but after she fled it seems she blocked everyone from finding her, even us. She has been planning something big. The last attempt at killing her children we found she had another plan ready if she failed. I have known Esther since the Originals were human and she is always prepared. This is a warning Bonnie. Everyone is in danger if Esther is communicating with someone from this side of the veil. Keep your guard up. I shall contact you again should you require it. Be safe Bonnie"

Bonnie didn't know what to think, she had so little time to talk and question what Ayana was saying, she was so lost thinking about what Esther could want that she didn't realize her surroundings were going black. She felt a gentle shake on her upper arm, her eyes refused to open though. Voices came into focus and it was the voices of her best friends they even sounded worried, at that last thought her eyes shot open.

"Oh God! You're awake!" Caroline said in a happy voice, she was kneeling over her best friend, giving her a quick look over to make sure she was ok.

"Care noticed your heartbeat racing and we saw you were sweating and looking restless. We thought you were having a nightmare so we tried waking you up but it took us 5 minutes to do that" Elena explained slowly to Bonnie's confused face.

"Guys, I'm ok. I just saw Ayana and we need to contact everyone tomorrow. She gave me a warning; maybe someone else will be able to figure out what's going on. Apparently Esther has been busy." Bonnie was trying to sit up, it was currently 4am. She wondered why her friends were even awake.

"Well I hope it hasn't got anything to do with 'Lena's creepy dream" Caroline said to Bonnie. Now they were all awake she thought it was best to share the news.

"I had this dream where I was stuck in a dark place, I heard a whisper and then as I got closer to the wall it got louder, but when I reached the wall it was like someone was banging on it from the other side. The banging got louder and the room started to shake, and then a hole appears after a few minutes of banging and that's when I woke up." Elena explained to Bonnie quickly, she may be an Original but this dream definitely scared her.

"Maybe our dreams are linked…" Bonnie said looking at both Elena and Caroline, they both had raised eyebrows and a look of confusion at her last statement. It was Caroline who replied "What do you mean?" clear worry in her voice.

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