Chapter 19 - Bloody Reunion

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Vampire Diaries, they belong to the writers of the show.

"Mikael." Klaus spat out with venom.

"My my! Dear boy, tonight shall be your end!" Mikael replied calmly, it almost sounded as if he found amusement with the current situation.

"No! It will be yours and you won't be returning, either of you!" Klaus looked between the woman he called mother and the man who beat him.

Rebekah heard Stefan growl towards them which made her unknowingly call his name. "Stefan," she said in tears, it wasn't Stefan anymore. His eyes showed nothing but hunger and all that came to her mind was 'ripper'. Years ago she would have loved him like this but not anymore.

"Fools! You are no children of mine, I taught them better than to fall in love. It is your greatest weakness!" Mikael walked over to the side and grabbed Bonnie from Stefan's grasp. Bonnie made a small whimper and that was enough to get the reaction he wanted.

Mikael watched as Kol's body language changed, his eyes briefly closed as he heard the woman he loved in pain. Mikael let out a small chuckle as he used the witch like a puppet to torture his youngest son some more.

Kol clenched the bat tighter and did his best to stay still, he wanted nothing more than to take Mikael's dirty hands off his woman and whisk her away from the danger. He couldn't do it though, they were all here for a reason and he had to settle the beast that was fighting to come out.

"Do it son! Release the monster; it wouldn't be the first time. You are abominations! Everyone who believes you are anything else should be ashamed. You slaughter, torment and kill, and now I will finally rid the world of you!" Mikael waved his arms around and paced in front of his children, taunting and coaxing them but all he received was silence.

"Enough! You have us now let Miss Bennett and Mr. Salvatore go." Elijah being the most noble asked calmly and politely, which was more than they deserved.

"Oh Elijah! You claim to be noble and honourable but you stand by a man with tainted blood!" Mikael said through gritted teeth as he glared at the boy he shared no blood with him.

"He is my brother! I will always stand by him. You may claim us as abominations but were not the ones mistreating a witch, a Bennett witch! The spirits don't take these things lightly when it comes to one of their own" Elijah smirked as he watched the amusement fall from his father's face.

Taking his sons words seriously he used force against the Bonnie and practically threw her into Kol's direction. Wanting to control his anger he put Bonnie in Rebekah's arms, his sister looked at him confused, but when she saw Kol's vampire face she knew it was best to take the witch from him, using vampire speed Rebekah placed Bonnie against a tree behind them and out of the way. She didn't need to worry; the forest was filled with allies who would take care of her.

Esther felt a shift in the air, she looked around only to find it abandoned, but she couldn't ignore the feeling that magic was being used. Mikael saw his wife's movements and focused his abilities on his surroundings. One heartbeat but two voices chanting, how had he not heard this before?

"You think you could fool us! Esther!" Mikael looked at his children and when he called his wife's name, he watched them fly backwards from the magic that released from her hand.

This was it; the first move had been made. The battle had begun and it wouldn't be finished until blood of the Mikaelson's had been spilt.

Bonnie was sitting against a tree, struggling to breathe and feeling nothing but weakness. She didn't even have the strength to lick her dry lips; her eyes fluttered open and closed a few times until she heard a familiar voice. Caroline quickly approached her best friend, she was shocked sot see the state she was in, and it wasn't long before Abby appeared next to her looking at her daughter.

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