Chapter 17 - Moments of Weakness

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Vampire Diaries, they belong to the writers of the show.

Damon wasn't happy about entering the large mansion, he had never been this nervous to enter a residence especially one filled with Original Vampires and witches. His brother was missing...but worst of all an Originals fling/girlfriend was also missing.

He had tried his best to protect her and he did, but they never expected the second group to ambush them. He was angry at himself; he was to blame for leaving as a trio and returning solo.

He bit the bullet and opened the door with haste; Damon just wanted to get it over with. Kol walked in the foyer hoping to find Bonnie with the Salvatore's but all he saw was a grim look on Damon's face. Kol's instincts started to kick in and he knew something had happened. His Bonnie was in trouble.

"Where is she, Damon?" Kol asked in a low menacing voice, glaring into the elder Salvatore's eyes.

"I don't know" Damon sighed speaking with a quiet voice.

"What do you mean you don't know?! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" Kol had his temper in check but towards the end his voice began rising.

Upon hearing the loud voices in the foyer, Elijah and Elena went to find out what was going on. Using vampire speed, they entered the open area to see Kol and Damon facing each other, both seething with anger and ready to attack.

"I mean that after we killed everyone, we were attacked by another group of vampires and witches. I couldn't move and next thing I know I'm waking up alone." Damon spat out.

"How could you let this happen? You were supposed to protect her...I knew I shouldn't have let her go!" Kol said angrily but then it turned to guilt, he should have stayed with her; he didn't want her going anyway after what happened with her and Elena.

"Let's see, I had an unwanted nap, Bonnie and Stefan were taken and they left me with this lovely love letter!" Damon shouted sarcasm dripping on every word.

The room had soon filled up with more people; the shouting had managed to gain the attention from all the residents. Some curious and others worried about the two missing friends.

Elijah sped in front of Damon and took the note reading out loud: "Where it all began is where it shall end. Tomorrow at 8pm; they die a minute after. Signed, Mikael" He took a deep breath and recognized the scent of blood on the letter: Mikael had used their blood to write the message.

He looked up to find all eyes on him; he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can smell their blood all over this note" Kol quickly looked to his eldest brother and then back to Damon, his face was displaying his vampire features.

Everything happened so fast and those in close proximity were lucky to have moved out the way. Kol had gone to push Elijah out the way and attack Damon, but Elijah reacted quicker and threw Kol to the opposite wall. There was a grunt and a growl could be heard...

Kol didn't give up and tried again, only this time he was pinned to the wall by Elena. Her strength was enough to cause him to struggle. Elena used a spell to keep him in place without having to restrain him physically. She was hoping to knock some sense into her male best friend.

"Elena! Release me!" Kol growled out, with all of his vampire features on show. He was angry and her actions only fueled it more.

"Don't 'Elena' me! You are blaming the wrong person! Mikael did this. He took her, but we will get her back!" Elena stood directly in front of him and hoped her words would calm him, but they didn't.

"She wouldn't have been taken if he had protected Bonnie properly!" Kol shouted.

"He tried, and his own brother was taken as well. Your anger is aimed at the wrong person, Kol! Bonnie will be fine, they won't hurt her, I won't let them" Elena stared into his brown eyes, hoping to convey her honesty and determination.

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