Chapter 6 - Same Old Brand New Me

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Vampire Diaries, they belong to the writers of the show.

Elena POV

Today was a new day and it was also the day that she would see everyone again, from their point of view it had been only a month but for Elena it had been two decades. Even though she has returned and she remembers being in the past while the Originals do not, she has this nagging feeling that she is forgetting something. It could be instinct or that her family doesn't know who she is yet but somewhere deep inside she feels a little lost; parts of her past don't add up and seem to have pieces missing. She only hopes that she will remember in time, perhaps this is another consequence of the other side protecting her and her family.





Walking through the village not long after arriving she saw Rebekah for the first time. She was holding a basket of clothes and as she walked past me, she gets knocked out of the way by Klaus as he storms out of their family home. Being the compassionate person she is, Elena quickly rushes over to help her pick up the fallen clothes. She seems surprised that anyone had helped her and this didn't go unnoticed by Elena, watching the young blonde shake her head like she was having an argument with herself.

"I'm Rebekah, I haven't seen you around the village before" She gives a small smile, this Rebekah is clearly more reserved than the 1000 year old Original in the future, apparently being alive for over a millennia can cause one to be bitter.

With Elena being in the past and noticing the difference in behavior she decides that she will give the Originals the benefit of the doubt, meaning a clean slate. If she was being honest with herself before the dagger situation she did actually like being her friend, the only reason she daggered Rebekah was to protect her family.

"I have just arrived here from another town; I have no family so Ayana has kindly taken me in."

They continue walking towards the Mikaelson's house where I almost get knocked over when someone collides into me, it was Kol. Clearly he didn't expect someone to be there, I can only assume he was in a rush to go after Klaus or someone had driven him out of the house.

"Kol! Watch where you're going" Rebekah shouted, he only looked up briefly and mumbled a quiet apology, Elena nodded back giving a small smile knowing that it was better than to let it go than to get involved. Rebekah looked flushed with embarrassment, having just befriended the young brunette and within minutes she had almost been flattened by her older brother.

Elena was standing a little outside the house as Rebekah was still apologizing profusely for how her brother had acted. Elijah had been close by and watched the situation play out, it's how he 'stumbled upon them'. His presence didn't go unnoticed by both girls although Rebekah was the first acknowledge him walking closer to them, his sight was fixed on Elena and seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.

After a few minutes Rebekah called out to him and managed to gain his attention, he immediately looked up to his baby sister giving her a warm smile, and finally speaking "Sister" he gave a small nod and then turned to look at Elena, she still resembled Tatia but had subtle differences so that she could be found as a distant relative of hers. She still had brown hair but a lighter shade, it was long with light waves, her eyes were no longer the chocolate brown but a mixture of green and brown, you could clearly distinct the two girls while also noticing the similarities.

Elijah looked at Elena intensely probably trying figure out how Tatia and her could look very similar yet never been spoken of. Elena began to grow nervous which was quite humorous considering she had already met him, she knew him in the future, you could call it a friendship a complicated one at least. Though pushing that feeling aside she was also excited to meet human Elijah, this caused her to blush but like a gentlemen, he never made it known whether he saw.

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