Philips' Crew And Date With Benny

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Kenzye's POV:
Benny and I walked to the sandlot, there was another team there. "Who are they?" I asked. "It's Philips' Crew. We don't like them." Benny said, I got mad too. Something just sparked in me and I had to protect the babies of the group. "Hey, leave them alone." I said, running up the the gang. "What are you going to do about it?" He said. "I will beat your ass, then feed you to the Beast." I said. "Like you can do that." He said, laughing. "Can you hold this for a second?" I asked, he got off his bike. I had my hand in a ball and his held his hand out. It looked like I was going to hold his hand. I then twisted his arm and put it behind his back. "Do not come near my people ever again. Philip." I said. "It's Philips." He said. "Okay, toad." I said. "What did you just call me?" He said. "I said-." I got caught off by Benny. "Leave my girlfriend alone. Or I will call the cops, again." Benny  said, gripping my waist. "Aw. You let her play on your loser team because she your girlfriend." Philips said. "No, she's better than your, dirtbag." Benny said. I blushed and grabbed his waist too. "You guys are losers. Play on a real diamond." Philips said. "We do. We don't disrespect the diamond, unlike you, bitch." I said. With that comment Philips and his 'crew' left. "You didn't have to defend us." Ham said. "You guys are my people now. I have to protect you." I said, they all hugged me.

"See ya guys later." I said. "Wait Kenzye." Benny shouted. I stoped and turned. "Yes?" I asked. "Well, I want to take you out on a date." He said, scratching the back of his neck. "Okay, sure. I just have to tell mom." I said, walking away. He grabbed my wrist and kissed my cheek. I blushed and walked away again.
I was at home. I was scared, nervous. This is going to be my first date in a long time, with a hot guy. I ran to my room and I wanted my curtains open. Benny was dancing in his room like a goof ball. "Benny, you are acting like a good ball." I shouted out my window. "I know." He shouted back, he started dancing again. I giggled and closed my curtains. I brushed my teeth. I kept my hair how it was and was deciding on what to wear.

 I kept my hair how it was and was deciding on what to wear

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I actually decided on wearing a dress with my converse. I put makeup on and I was ready. I hear the doorbell ring. "Kenzye, someone's here for you. He's cute too." My mom yelled. "Thanks, send him up. I'm almost done." I shouted back, tying my shoe. "I can help you." Benny said. "Please." I said, put my foot towards him. "I love your dress." He said, smiling, thing my shoe. "Thank you. Where we going?" I asked. "You will see." He said. "Fine." I sighed and fake pouting. We walked down the stairs.
"You look so pretty, sweetie." Mom said. "Thanks." I said, kissing her cheek. "We are going on a date." I whispered in her ear. "Have fun." She said, with that we left out the door.

"Oh my gosh. I love the carnival." I said, knowing my eyes would light up. "Yes. I would like to buy 20 tickets." Benny said, handing the lady the money. "Isn't that a lot?" I asked. "No, because the boys are right behind you." Benny said. I turned and the boys were literally drooling. It was gross. "Benny, try this dip." Bertram said. I put my hand on Benny's arm and shook my head 'no'. "Actually guys, I will pass." He said. The guys gasped. "You never say no to dip." Ham said. "Today, I'm changing." He said. "I want to go on that." I said, pointing to a ride, it takes you up and down while spinning. I knew this ride, the person that is heavier is on the outside and the smaller one on the inside. So that the smaller one doesn't get crushed. "Kenzye, come sit with me." Benny said. I nodded my head and head to the seat he was at. I sat on the inside, and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I was screaming internally. He was smirking and blushing.
The ride was fun and the whole time Benny was looking at me like I was something he liked.

"Thank you for taking me on a date." I said, I kissed his cheek. He blushed. "I want to take you on a real date, without the boys. On Friday?" He said. "Friday, that will work. What should I wear?" I asked. "Something cute. No dress, no heels. Something casual." He said. "Okay, goodnight Benjamin." I said. "Goodnight, My princess." He said, bowing down. I blow him a kiss and he put it on his cheek. I walked in and shut the door. I was smiling like crazy. I have to wait two more days for our real date.

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