Going To School With Philip

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(Lol sex warning) (I'm sorry I cringed writing it)
Kenzye's POV:
I have so many hickeys from Philip. We went to my house so I can get ready for school. It was easier if I was home. He brought clothes over so he can stay with me. "Hey Philip." I said. "Yeah?" He said. "What are we?" I asked. "Well, Kenzye I want to do this on a baseball field but will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Oh my god. Yes, I will be you girlfriend." I said, jumping on him. He fell backwards on my bed and we started kissing. "Let's get ready for school." He said. "Mood killer." I said, giggling. I got up off his lap and grabbed leggings. I put them on and they showed my ass more than usual. "I might be slapping that ass every chance I get." He said, slapping ass. "Ow, that hurt." I said, with a pout. He kissed me, I was kissing back then the doorbell rang. I put on my crop top. I walked downstairs and opened the door. "What do you need Rodriguez?" I said. "I want to apologize." He said. "I don't forgive you and back off I have a boyfriend." I said. "Who, Philip?" He said. "Who cares? He's my boyfriend and you have to leave." I said, closing the door. I walked back up to my room and finished getting ready. "Okay, lets go." I said. We walked out of the house and went to the bus stop. Philip pulled me into a kiss. I smiled into the kiss. "I love you." He said. "I love you more." I said. He grabbed my ass and squeezed it. I giggled and started kissing him again. I put my arms around his neck. I got to know Philip a lot more over the weekend. He's a really nice person. "So, What are we doing are school?" Philip asked. "Well, I have cheer practice." I said. "I get to see you in spandex." He whispered in my ear and squeezed my butt. "You do and can you walk me to my locker when we get to school?" I asked, he looked down at me. "Anything for my baby." He said, the bus stopped and we got on the bus. We sat towards the front more.
We got to school and we walked to my locker. "You have a locker by your ex. That must suck." He said. "It does." I said, shutting my locker. He pushed me against the locker and started kissing me. I was kissing back then heard Ham. "Do you guys have to kiss everywhere you go." Ham shouted at us. I blushed and hide my face in Philips chest. "We don't care what you think." Philip said. "Let's just go. It's okay." I said, putting my hand on his chest. We walked away and he pushed me into an empty classroom. I don't think the school uses the room. He set me on the table and we started kissing. His hands went down my sides and landed on my hips. He was making circles on my hips. "Mhm. Babe, lets slow down. We can't have sex at school." I said. He pulled away. "We can if you're quiet." He said, moving to my neck. "Babe stop. I need to go to class." I said, getting off the table. I walked out and went to class. "Woah Kenzye, what happened to your neck?" Fawn asked. "Boyfriend. He's a little rough." I said. "No, it's bad. It's like very dark purple." Fawn said. I grabbed my mirror out of my bag. I looked at my neck. Shit, I can't go to practice with this. "I can't go to practice looking like this." I said. "I have color corrector, concealer and powder." She said. We went to the bathroom and she fixed my neck. "I'm so dead when I get home." I said. "Why?" She asked. "I just broke up with Benny three days ago and this. Benny's definitely telling mom." I said. "If he really cares about you he won't." She said. "You're right. Why should I care about him?" I said. "Alright, I'm all done." She said. I looked in the bathroom mirror and it looked like I never had hickeys. "You're a miracle worker. Shit, class. Bye Fawn." I said running to class. I ran into the class and Garrett was sitting in his seat with a Starbucks strawberry refresher. I sat in my seat next to him and he gave it to me. "This is all so weird." He said. "Why?" I asked. "It's weird that our parents are dating." He said. "It's not weird." I said. "I know it's weird because you just broke up with someone. Now you're dating the Philips kid and I know you have hickeys." He said. "It's not weird and it doesn't matter I'm happy. You should be happy for me." I said.
It's lunch and I wasn't hungry. Philip came up behind me and kissed me. "Let's skip." I said. "You want to skip school?" He asked. "Yeah, let's go." I said, holding his hand.
We walked to my house and moms working. She won't know I'm home. I shut the door and locked it so no one can come in. We went up to my room and I jumped onto my bed. Philip hovered over me and I looked into his eyes. "Are you sure your ready?" He asked. "Yeah." I said, he kissed me and I kissed back. My hands roamed his body and he did the same with mine. I was hot, so I took off my shirt. He took his off too. He threw them to the floor. Holy shit, he has more abs then Benny. Ugh stop thinking about him. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him back down. We were making out and I really enjoyed it. He spread my legs and he got in between them. God, I was horny. He played with the hem of my leggings. I got the hint and lifted my ass off of the bed. He pulled them down. I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. He took his pants off and threw them. I saw his member and his looked decent size of his age. We started kissing again and he rubbed me through my underwear. "Mhm." I moaned.
We had sex and it was great. "You were great baby." Philip said. "You were too." I said. We cuddled and I looked at my clock. It was 3, that means school is out. "We need to get dressed." I said. I got out my bed and put my bra and underwear on. He put his boxers on and his pants. There was a knock on the window. I hurried and put my leggings on. I opened my curtains. I opened my window. "What do you need Smalls?" I said annoyed. "I was wondering if you wanted to play baseball." Smalls said. "No, I'm with my boyfriend." I said, putting my shirt on. "Oh I'm sorry to bother you. Maybe next time." He said. "I don't know Smalls. Benny and I aren't even talking." I said. "Oh I didn't know that. Well I got to go. See ya around." He said. "See ya around." I said, shutting my window and curtains. "Let's go do something fun." Philip said. "Like what?" I asked. "Let's get ice cream." He said. "Okay." I said, putting on my shoes. We got ready to leave but mom stopped us. "Where were you two doing during lunch today?" Mom asked. "I ditched." I said. "Oh yeah. Well, you are grounded. This isn't you. I'm sorry Philips, but you have to go." Mom said. "You're not fair." I said, walking back to my house. "You young lady need to go to your room in my house. You aren't staying at yours." She shouted at me. I rolled my eyes and walked to her house. I opened the door and went to my room.

(Kenzye's room)I laid on my back on my bed

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(Kenzye's room)
I laid on my back on my bed. I was looking at the ceiling when someone came in. "I don't want to talk to anyone right now." I said. "You don't want to talk to me?" It was Benny. "Not even you, Benny. I got grounded because you told Mom." I said. "I didn't tell her anything." He said. I sat up. "You didn't? Why? I've been an asshole to you." I said. "Because I still care about you and it was your friend Garrett." He said. I groaned. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. I fell back letting my head hit the pillows. "Why does this have to be so complicated?" I said. "I don't know and the Worth's are coming again." He said. "I knew, I shouldn't have trusted him." I mumbled. "I'm gonna leave and they will be here in about 10 minutes." Benny said. "I'll be in the shower." I said. I got up and I fell straight to the floor. My legs are feeling it now. "Are you okay?" He asked, coming over to help me. "Yeah, legs went numb." I said, getting up. He left and I grabbed clothes.
I got in the shower and did my business. I was just sitting under the water. It felt nice. "Kenzye, come on. You can't hide from the Worth's forever." Mom said, banging on the door. "I can try." I said, getting out of the shower. "Well when your done get done here and eat with us. We are having chicken." She said. "Mom, I'm vegan. I can't eat that." I said. "We have salad." She said. I sighed and dried myself off. I got dressed and blowed dried my hair. I put it up into a bun.

I didn't want to have dinner with traders

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I didn't want to have dinner with traders. I thought I could trust Garrett apparently not. I walked down to the kitchen and glared at Garrett. "That's enough Kenzye Joy Ruth. You have been so disrespectful to the Worth's. Why is that?" Mom shouted. "We are eating with a trader. He's the one that snitch on me." I shouted back. "It was Ham that told me, so stop being rude." Mom said. I was shocked that Ham, my friend would tell on me. "Ham would never." I said. "He would and he did. Now eat your salad and get up to your room." Mom said. "I already eat dinner so I'm going up to my room." I said, running up the stairs. I slammed my bedroom door and locked it. I started crying, what's wrong with me. There was soft knocks on my window. "Go away." I said. The window opened and someone fell to the floor. I looked up and it was Squints. "What do you want Squints?" I said, crying. "I'm checking on you because I'm worried about you. You haven't gonna to cheer practice or come play baseball." He said. "I know and I don't care." I said. "This is not the Kenzye Joy Ruth I know. Where is she? Is she still in there?" He said. "No, she's gone and she ruined." I said. "She not gone. Watch this." He said. He did the worm and hit his nose on the floor. I laughed. "See there she is. Why are you acting out?" He said, holding my hands. "I just wanted to be noticed by Benny and you guys. Since I have been dating Philips, you guys hate me." I said. "How can we hate you when you exploded the guts out of a baseball. Hm, yeah we can't hate you. Because we love you." Squints said. I hugged him. I never hug Squints. There really isn't a reason why I don't, I just don't. I think he was shocked that I hugged him because he wasn't hugging back. "Aren't you going to hug back?" I asked. "I'm sorry, just shocked. We never hug each other before." He said, hugging me back. We laughed and I wiped my tears and we pulled away. "Thanks for checking up on me. You should go home the street lights are about to turn on and we have school tomorrow." I said. He laughed and left out of my window. I got up off the grounded and went to bed. Today has been stressful.

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