Cheer Sucks

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Kenzye's POV:
Ugh, I hate school. "Kenzye, wake up or we are going to be late." Mom said. I got up at looked at my clock, it was 5:30, too early for this. I walked to the shared bathroom. I curled my hair into waves. I did a cute braid. "You can only go to school and cheer practice and come home." Mom said. I rolled my eyes. I walked out and into my room. I packed my cheer bag and got ready. I picked out a red tank top and a red tutu. I wanted to feel more girly. I did my makeup real fast and made sure I packed my red lipstick. I put on my red heels and I was ready to go. It was 6:15, I got to go. I grabbed my backpack and cheer bag. I walked down the stairs and walked out the door. I got to the bus stop in time and Philip was waiting for me. "I thought you were going to skip." He said, kissing me. I kissed back. "I can't. I can only go to school and cheer. I'm sorry." I said. He grabbed my hand. "No worries, I could stalk you." He said, laughing. I laughed and the bus came. We got on the bus and I glared at Ham when he got on. "I hate Ham right now." I said to Philip. "Why?" He asked. "He told on us to my mom." I said. "He ratted us out? I thought he wasn't like that." He said. "That's what I thought too." I said. We had a few more bus stops before getting to school and I was getting bored. I remembered that's it homecoming week. I have to find a dress. I watched out the window and saw the school coming into view. "When we go in. I have to go somewhere and you have to stand next to Yeah-Yeah." Philip said and I was confused. "Fine." I said. The bus stopped and we got off and we walked into the building he walked off. I stood next to Yeah-Yeah. "Do you know why I have to stand next to you?" I asked. "I have no clue but stay." He said. I sighed and waited. Someone ran up to me and handed me a sunflower. "Follow me, my lady." He said. "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do." I said. I did walk with him and people in the hallway lined the main hall and they handed me sunflowers. I saw at the end of the hallway it was Philips and he had a sign.

"Kenzye Joy Ruth

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"Kenzye Joy Ruth. Will you be my sunshine at Homecoming?" Philip asked me. "Yes, yes." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. Cheering filled the school. "Thank you for doing this babe. I really needed it." I whispered in his ear. "I know, that's why I did it." He said. We kissed and walked to my locker. I put the flowers in my locker. "I have to go. I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said, putting away my cheer bag. He left and I was at my locker. "Why are you with him?" Benny asked me. "Because I like him." I said, annoyed. "You're supposed to be with me." He said. "No. You can't say that shit to me because I will beat the crap out of you. He's my boyfriend, please stop." I said, closing my locker. He pushed me against the locker and I pushed him. "Please leave me alone." I said, walking fast to my first period. I sat in my seat and Fawn sat down next to me. "Boy trouble?" She asked. "Yeah, is it that noticeable?" I said. "Yeah, oh here. I got us Starbucks." She said. "Thank you, Fawn." I said, drinking my Starbucks. Garrett came in with my Starbucks. "So we both got you Starbucks. I have competition I see." Garrett said. "I got to get go see ya at practice." She said leaving the classroom. "Thank you, Garrett." I said, grabbing the Starbucks. "So it homecoming week, got a date?" He asked. "Yeah my boyfriend." I said. "Oh okay." He said. Was he jealous. I really don't care.
We took a test in AP Science. I didn't study and I think I did pretty good. I'm off to AP Math with Garrett and we have a test. I did study for this one. Math is complicated. Everyone was finishing up and so was I. The bell rang and I gave my test to the teacher. "Have a nice day Ms.Smith." I said. "Have a good one Kenzye." She said. We have a great teacher and student relationship. Sometimes we gossip about students and teachers. I was heading to Health class. Everyone didn't want to go because we were talking about the female and male body's. Thank god it's not a test. I sat in the back with Philips and his friends. I put my head in my hand and started to fall asleep. "Ms.Ruth, are you bored?" Mr.Overby asked. "No sir. I'm sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night." I said. "Stay awake or you will be teaching." He said. I nodded and tries my hardest to stay awake. Philip kiss my cheek and I smiled. "Just a little bit more of class and I'll let you sleep at lunch." He whispered. I nodded and stayed awake. I made sure I was drinking my Starbucks that I still had.
It's finally lunch and I sat at the table Philips set me at. I waited for me to come back. I have to sleep on his lap because he has a lot of friends. He came back and sat down. I sat on his lap facing him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and my head on his shoulder. I fell asleep fast and he was rubbing my back. He was nice.
"Kenzye wake up. Lunch is ending." Philips said, waking me up. I woke up and smile at him. "Thanks for letting me sleep." I said. "No problem, you were tired because of all the test you have to take this week." He said. I got off his lap and walk to the locker rooms and got ready for weights. We have to max out our weight this week. I'm too tired for this. I leaned against my locker and hit my head against. "You okay?" A girl asked me. "Oh yeah, just tired." I said. "I was just making sure you were okay. You look like you need something to eat. Did you eat today?" She asked. "No, I haven't been stressed about test and stuff." I said. She nodded and handed me a granola bar. "Thank you." I said. "No problem, see ya around." She said. I opened it and eat it of course. I walked to the weight room. The second bell rang and everyone filed into the room. "Today we are maxing out your weight." Coach Craig said. "Got it." Everyone mumbled. "I didn't hear ya, what." Coach shouted. "Got it, sir." We said. "Alright, get going." Coach said. I was tired and I could barely stay awake.
Weights ended and now I have to go to AP English. We have a test. "Kenzye here, I got you Starbucks." Garrett said, running up to me. "Thanks." I said, drinking it. We walked into English and the teacher handed us the test. I sat down in my seat and started my test. "You know I can't help you but I will put music on." He said. Thank god.
English ended and now it's off to Art. We are not doing anything and she chill. She lets us sleep and I love her. She super nice and she buys doughnuts every day. When I walked in she handed me two doughnuts. "Thank you and I'm sleeping this period." I said. "I already told you guys that's fine." She said, patting my back. I sat down at my desk and I saw Philip come in. I was excited to see him. "Hey baby." He told me. "Hi sweet stuff." I said. He kissed my cheek and sat down. I blushed and eat my doughnuts. "So what you doing after school?" He asked me. "We already discussed this. I have cheer practice." I said.
It's the end of the day and I have to hurry to practice. I ran to my locker and grabbed my cheer bag. I ran to the football field where we had practice. I pulled out my spandex and put them on under my tutu. I took off my tutu and put it in my bag. I took off my tank top and put Philips shirt on. I looked up and Philip was on the bleachers. I smiled and waved to him.
We practiced and I was dying. I was exhausted and hungry. Philips came up to me and told me to sit down. "I'm okay." I slurred and fell down. "Philips, I can take her home." Benny said. "Okay, she's been tired all day. When you take her home please put a wet washcloth on her head. Keep it wet. Thank you again, Benny." Philips said. "No problem man." Benny said. "Bye babe." I said weakly. "Let's get you home." He said, picking me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
He walked home with me in his arms. "Is she okay?" Mom asked. "Yeah, got too exhausted at practice. I'm taking her up." Benny said. Benny put me on my bed and I groaned. "Thank you Benny." I said, him putting a washcloth on my head. "No problem." He said, walking out. I went to sleep and that's all I remember.

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