Dinner With Benny's Family Part Two

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Kenzye's POV:
I sighed, my mom is going to screw everything up. I walked into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look bad.
I touched up my makeup and I walked out. I walked down stairs and out of the house. I walked over to Benny's. I walked in, and Lily started cutting up the celery. I walked into the kitchen and washed my hands. I wiped my hands on a towel. "Hey Lily, where's the pots and pans?" I asked, looking around. "Next cabinet door on your left." She said. "Thank you." I said grabbing a pot. I put water in it and put it on the stove. I put the stove on high, so it could boil. "Mom, can Kenzye come up here?" Benny shouted down the stairs. "You can go honey. I got this under control." Lily said. "Thank you. I will set up the table and Benny will help." I said, walking away. I walked up the stairs, he pulled me in the room. He closed the door and locked it. He kissed me roughly and of course I kissed back. I pushed him off. "You have black lipstick on now." I said. "It's fine, I have some makeup wipes." He said. "Wait why do you have makeup wipes?" I asked. "My mom gave them to me. Just Incase you have makeup on and you sleep here." He explained himself. "Oh okay." I said, kissing him. "You are so handsome." I said. "And you are so beautiful." He said, kissing me. "Kids dinner is ready. Come set up the table." Lily shouted. "Yeah, I told your mom that you would help me set up the table. Grab a makeup wipe and take the lipstick off." I said. "K mom." He sassed me. "You are so getting slapped tonight." I said, walking out. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Mom, Benny and I are sitting here." I said to Lily, placing my chapstick down on the table. "Did you just call me mom?" Lily asked. "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I said, putting my head down. "Honey, I love you calling me mom." Lily said. "I'm sorry I thought you were going to yell at me." I said. "Sweetie, it's okay. I will never yell at you." She said. I ran to her, I hugged her. "I never had a real hug since my dad left." I said. "Who's your dad?" She asked. "My father is Babe Ruth." I said. "Don't tell Benny." I said. "I don't have to." She said. "Benny, I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away. I never wanted to tell you like this. People never believe me when I say he's my father." I said, looking down. "It's okay. I believe you. That's why are being held by him in the hospital you were born at. I saw the newspaper in your moms room." He said, walking up to me. He put his index finger and thumb on my chin. He lifted my chin up and made me look up at him. I stared into my eyes, he leaned in. I leaned in too, we kissed, I backed up. "Please don't tell the team yet. I want to tell them myself." I said. He nodded his head. I heard a knock on the door. "It's probably my mom." I said walking to the door. "Are you Kenzye Murdock?" A police officer asked. "I am. Why?" I asked. "Your mother got arrested for a DUI." He said. "Not again. I hate Uncle Myrtle's house." I said. "I'm sorry Ms.Murdock but you have to. It's just for two days then you can stay here." Officer Carter. "Carter, you know I hate that place." I said. "I know but you can practice driving the cop car." Officer Carter said. "Ugh fine." I said, Officer Carter handing me the keys to the car. "I'm sorry, we can reschedule the dinner." I said. "Wait you guys know each other?" Lily asked. "Yes, he's basically my dad." I said. "Can she stay here, sir?" Benny asked. "I'm sorry, but she has to go to Uncle Myrtle's." Officer Carter said. "I need to pack for two days. Can he please go over with me and pack woh me?" I asked Officer Carter. "Sure. No funny business." He said. "Got it. Let's go." I said, grabbing Benny's hand. We ran crossed his lawn and into mine. "I can still play baseball because my uncle's house is the everyone is scared of." I said, while we walked into my house. "Where The Beast lives?!" Benny asked/shouted. "Yes, that's my 'uncle'." I said, air quotes around uncle. "You seen The Beast?" Benny asked. "Yes and his name is Hercules. So stop calling him The Beast, please." I said. "Okay. I'm sorry about your mom." He said. "Benny baby, this isn't my first rodeo with her. This is her sixth DUI now. I'm used to it." I said. "Mom and I are going to do something about it okay?" He said. "Okay." I said, packing my bags. I finished packing and I hugged Benny. "Stay out of trouble." I said.
We walked back to his house, Lily and Carter were talking together. "I'm ready Carter." I said, he got up. We walked out of Benny's house. "He's your boyfriend. Is he nice to you?" Carter asked. "He's nice to me, I promise." I said.

Benny's POV:
They left and I shut the door behind them. "Mom we need to do something about it." I said. "What do you want me to do?" Mom asked. "I want you to adopt her or foster. I don't know." I said. "We can adopt her. I have to talk to my lawyer." She said. I ran to my mom and hugged her. "Thank you mom." I said, running to my room. I just want her in a safe place.

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