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Finns POV
When we exited that room it felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. She liked me back. I took her hand in mine and we started to walk back to where are families were probably arguing.
"Wait" she said she looked scared I haven't seen her scared since we were trapped in that clam "We can't tell our families, ok?" She reminded me.
"Of course beautiful" I replied. She blushed at this which made me feel a warm glow deep inside. We kept our hands interlocked until we reached the closed door of the moon pool room. I reluctantly dropped her hand and we both entered the room, but nothing could of prepared us for what we saw.
In front of us stood nothing. All the knights were there and the river but no people. I looked at Fontaine I could tell she was as just as confused as I was.
"Finn where are they?" she asked me I could tell there was worry in her voice.
"Hey" I said lifting face slightly until she was looking into my eyes. "We'll  search the sub and if their not here you'll call them ok?" I said trying to sound supportive. She smiled.
"Ok" and then she pushed her lips against mine once again. It felt so good to be able to finally kiss her. I wish I could do it every day.
     A few hours passed and we'd searched the sub from head to toe Fontaine had even checked her super secret hiding spot which only she knows the location of oh and now I do to. Now time for plan B Fontaine first tried calling her dad. No answer. Then her Mom. No answer. Then Ant. Suddenly a voice spoke through her communicator "Ant is that you?"Fontaine asks.
"No Fontaine this isn't Ant!" Replies the voice and chuckles. I can tell by the look on her face that Fontaine knows who this guy is and that she doesn't like him.
"Where is my family Alpheus?!" Fontaine demands.
"Wouldn't you like to know." Replies Alpheus.
"Where's my family?" I blab.
"Finn" I hear my dad say. " You have to help us he's going to.." then the commutator cut out.
"NOO!!" I scream and Fontaine stares at me shocked.
"Calm down" Fontaine tells me. For she has a plan. She explained to me that the call was on for long enough for her communicator to work out the location of the call.
Excitedly I run around and Fontaine soon has us at the location.
   Once we arrive we realise that they are not being held underwater as we had previously expected but in a warehouse on land. Me and Fontaine looked into each others eyes and kissed. I don't know how but having her in my arms gave me the courage to go save my family.
"Stay behind me" I told her. She protested at first but eventually agreed to. Once we had found the way in we started to search this filthy place. The whole place was abandoned. There was mould everywhere. On the walls. The shelves filled with random objects. Everywhere.
   After we made a sharp left around a corner we came to a corridor filled with doors.
"Is anyone there??" I asked and lots of voices replied even though I couldn't say exactly which door each voice was behind I did know who they belonged to. Our families.

Authors Note: Thanks for reading so far hope your enjoying it and keep reading. If you have any suggestions just comment them and I will see you at the end of the next chapter. Bye!!

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