Part 4

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I created this fic with Idreamt_once on Ao3 and she write a lot of it so basically all credit goes to her. GO READ HER FICS

Taeyong awoke to his shoulder being shaken aggressively.

"Taeyong! TY Track! Wake up!" Jisung screamed, shaking the older awake. Taeyong sluggishly tried to open his eyes. He had stayed up a bit too late watching fancams and crack vids. His fault, he will admit, but hey, who can deny Jaehyun? It had been almost a week since Taeyong saw his idol, wasn't he allowed to at least fanboy a little? Taeyong blinked his eyes at the young dance legend. Jisung was sitting on his chest, each hand on a shoulder and shaking him to the point where Taeyong felt as though his brain had turned into mush inside his skull. Taeyong groaned. Goddammit, why did I agree to take care of these kids.

"Wha—" Taeyong muttered, still drunk on sleep. Jisung grinned mischievously.

"Happy birthday, you big baby!" Jisung called out. Taeyong had half a mind to flip him off. Too bad his arms were pinned to his sides by Jisung's legs. Taeyong tried to free his arms, but dance had given the maknae some serious muscle. Taeyong groaned again.

"Huh?" Taeyong had just barely begun to comprehend what Jisung had screamed when another horrible noise came filtering in through the paper thin walls. It was Sicheng and Yuta.

"If you guys don't stop sucking face," Jisung yelled, earning a flinch from Taeyong, who was still crushed under Jisung, "I'm going get Taeyong to switch your roomates up!" There was a sudden pause. A shout cuts through the dorms again, jarring Taeyong into full consciousness.


"Johnny! You ruined it!"

"Shut up Yukhei!"

"You dimwit! You wrote 'B-R-T-H-D-A-Y', not 'B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y'. You call yourself a Chicago boy?"


"Johnny, you RUINED the cake!"

"Cake?" Sicheng's voice added to the growing volume outside in the living area.

"Cake?" Jisung echoed, suddenly losing interest in Taeyong and scrambling off the bed. Jisung's leg caught Taeyong's blankets and sent him toppling off the bed.

"Jisung! Be careful!" Taeyong yelled, but Jisung hit the floor with a roll and sprinted out of the small room. Taeyong sighed as he slipped out of his bed and walked to the hallway bathroom in his pajamas. Not that it mattered, the rest of his members were probably in pajamas as well.

Taeil watched Taeyong step into the bathroom and heard the shower running before he leaned in to call a mini group meeting. Minus Taeyong, of course.

"Do you think he'll like it?" Taeil whispered to the seven other boys.

"Of course he'll like it," Yuta said dismissively, waving a hand before draping that exact hand over Sicheng's shoulders.

"But it's one thing, and there's eight of us," Taeil said, somewhat worried.

"It's the quality, not the quantity, that counts," Jaemin replied.

"Besides, it was hella expensive," Rejun added. The rest of the group nodded in agreement. Not only was the present expensive as heck, they had also bribed the manager with good behavior to get the manager to drive his personal car and not the van. Less noticable.

"Can we skip that and just eat? I'm hungry as heck," Yukhei muttered. They all glanced down at the chocolate extraordinaire. Yuta had made the cake, with Sicheng's help, of course, but Yuta was no Taeyong. Renjun and Jaemin iced the cake, making beautiful swirls out of the chocolate icing. They had left the English to Johnny, who promptly destroyed it.

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