Part 21

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It was always mornings like these, when Sicheng's face was serene as he slept, that Yuta felt himself falling deeper into the abyss, never to find his way out. Sicheng had clung onto Yuta's arm in his sleep, so when Yuta shifted, Sicheng let out a small whimper. Yuta stroked Sicheng's blonde hair. He loved the idea of being Sicheng's and Sicheng beings his. He would never call himself a jealous man (but Jaemin did).

"Why are you awake?" Sicheng mumbled.

"Because it's six-thirty and the little ones will be late if they don't get up now," Yuta said, swinging his legs off the bed. A tug on his arm.

"But Taeyong exists,"

"And he came home last night at midnight, no doubt with a hickey on his neck," Yuta recalled the scarf. Sicheng yawned and stretched.

"Fine, I guess we'll be the moms this morning," he groaned.

"We're the married couple of the group," Yuta pointed out. Sicheng ignored him in favor of getting out of bed.

"Shit," Yukhei muttered.

"What the fuck?" Yuta screeched.

"Damn...he got you goooood," Sicheng snickered.

"Honestly, I'm quite glad that the little ones have already left for school," Taeil sighed, "This is quite graphic."

"Shut the fuck up, let me live my life," Taeyong groaned, tugging up the collar of his shirt. He should have worn the scarf to breakfast.

"Wow that's gonna need a fuck ton of concealer," Johnny noted.

"Is Ten still in your room?" Taeyong asked Johnny suddenly. All eyes turn to Johnny, whose expression is worth a million dollars.

"Umm.. yes?" Johnny said carefully, "he's still asleep though."

"Mhm," Yukhei said loudly, "and where did you sleep last night?"

"On the couch," Johnny said.

"MHM," Yukhei glared at Johnny.

"Hey! How was I supposed to know where Elemental lived!?" Johnny defended, voice rising. A creak of a door, and the kitchen goes silent.

"Well well well," Ten muttered as he stood in the doorway of Johnny and Yukhei's room, "if it isn't my favorite hoes." He rubbed his eyes with the Chicago Bulls sweatshirt Johnny had placed next to the bed for him to wear.

"I like your top, where'd you get it?" Taeyong asked, before realizing that his question had two very different meanings.

"I got both from Chicago," Ten said casually. Sicheng choked on his drink.

"Hey, I'm actually curious," Ten said as he plopped himself onto Jisung's empty chair right beside Taeyong before his eyes landed on...

"Is that a fucking hickey?!" Ten asked. Taeyong's face turned beet red.

"Yes it is," Taeil confirmed. Yuta and Yukhei tried to hide their laughter. Ten took a deep breath before continuing.

"Ok I have one question," Ten said, "doesn't even relate to Taeyong." He gestured at Sicheng and Yuta, "who's the top?"

Sicheng actually choked on his drink this time.

Yuta snorted.

"Alright, got my answer, time to leave," Ten said, standing up. Johnny immediately stood up as well.

How To Stan an Idol: A Guide by Lee Taeyong (Jaeyong)Where stories live. Discover now