Part 15

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I created this fic with Idreamt_once on Ao3 and she write a lot of it so basically all credit goes to her. GO READ HER FICS

Doyoung's observant. He was 100% sure that Renjun and Jaemin had managed to get Jeno's number and were talking. Doyoung was also 100% sure that Taeyong knew about he and Doyoung kissing and 100% sure that Chenle told Jisung. Which meant that he was 100% sure that all eighteen of them knew. One does not simply tell the maknaes something and expect nothing to happen.

"Taeil, where are you going?" Sicheng stood in the doorway of his and Yuta's room, rubbing at his eyes sleepily. Taeil froze. Shit.

"Uhh, I'm going to get some ice cream," Taeil whispered, flinching at his hesitation. Sicheng didn't buy it.

"But it's almost midnight," Sicheng muttered, more to himself than to Taeil, "we have a schedule in six hours,"

"I know," Taeil answered. A quick thought jumped into his brain. "What flavor ice cream do you want?" Sicheng noticeably perks up at that.

"Ice cream? Can you get me a Neapolitan?"

Doyoung sat at the bench of the convenience store, glancing at his watch. He sighed. Doyoung took another sip of his cheap store tea, cap pulled low and collar pulled high. Three minutes later, the store's bell emits a small ding and a panting Taeil comes running in.

"Sorry I'm late, I almost got caught," Taeil wheezed. Doyoung raised an eyebrow.

"You know, there's better things out there to make you gasp like that," Doyoung smirked. Taeil proceeded to choke, Doyoung laughed, patting him on the back. Taeil caught his breath and sat down next to him.

"You're so un-romantic," Taeil muttered. He tried to deny the blush on his cheeks, but Doyoung noticed everything.

"You're the oldest, wisest out of the eighteen of us, and the word you use to describe me is 'un-romantic'?" Doyoung asked coyly. Taeil's blush deepened.

"What do you want me to use, 'in-romantic'?"

"How about 'in love' instead?" Doyoung smiled as he smoothly snakes an arm around Taeil's shoulders, pulling him a bit closer. Taeil's ears flamed red. Doyoung loved making him blush. Taeil is so cute, who ever denies that gets a stab. From Doyoung.

"You're so cringey," Taeil groaned, but leans into Doyoung's touch anyway.

"Wow, the old man knows some modern slang?" Doyoung's sarcastic tone lead to a slap on the chest from Taeil.

"Ouch! That hurt," Doyoung cried out. Taeil jumped up, ready to apologize. He put his hand on Doyoung's chest where he hit him, but another hand closed over his own. Taeil froze, his heart rate spiking as Doyoung placed another hand under his chin, tilting his face up to meet his eyes.

"You really hurt my heart, Taeil," Doyoung whispered. Taeil's breath caught in his throat as Doyoung leaned down. Their lips were so close to touching. Taeil craved Doyoung's lips like he needed air. No, his lips came first. Oxygen second. Which is why Taeil leaned in a little, but caught himself. What was I about to do?!

Doyoung noticed. He noticed how Taeil leaned in closer, but stopped himself. Dammit, just kiss me you beautiful homo sapien. This thought immediately lead to hehe, homosapien, get it, because we're—

Taeil decided that he'd had enough. Mustering up courage, he leaned in first. He seemed to catch Doyoung off guard, but Doyoung quickly pulled him close. Taeil loved it, the taste of the sweet tea on Doyoung's tongue, how soft his lips were.

"Uhm," a girl's cough startles Taeil and he falls backward, arms flailing as they try to catch him before he lands on his butt. But they failed, sending Taeil crashing to the tile floor.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" the girl cried. She hurried over to make sure Taeil was alright. Doyoung was trying to conceal his laughter.

"'M alive," Taeil muttered. He was still embarrassed that someone had caught them making out.

"Uh, I just came to tell you that I have to close up in fifteen minutes," the girl said, before bowing and hurrying back to wherever she came from.

"Come on, let's head outside," Doyoung takes Taeil's hand gently and leads him out the door.

"Ohhh, Doyoung's so tired, I wonder what he was doing last night!" Donghyuck called out to Mark. Mark snickered back.

"Hmm, a little birdie told me—" Mark began, but was promptly shut up by the pillow thrown at his face.

"Shut up!" Doyoung hissed. Donghyuck rose to his full height, which wasn't that much.

"Don't hit my boyfriend like that!" Donghyuck shouted. Ten rolled his eyes and Jaehyun sighed. Jeno cheered Donghyuck on as Kun snacked on popcorn before passing it to Jeno.

"Yeah, what if we hit your Taeil like that," Mark yelled. Doyoung froze.

"WHAT?!" Doyoung screeched. Jaehyun and Ten made eye contact and tried to conceal their grins.

"Don't think we didn't know who you were meeting at midnight!" Kun yelled. Doyoung was still petrified.

"You know, you gotta be more subtle, Doyoung, or some media outlet would find out!" Chenle singsonged. Where had he even come from?

"I. Hate. All. Of. You," Doyoung seethed. Jeno pouted.

"Even me?" Jeno asked, putting on his best puppy face. Doyoung's heart softened just a tiny tiny bit.

"Not you, Jeno, never you,"

Whipped AF TYTrack

Nana_nana_batman: ok squad

Nana_nana_batman: it is official

Nana_nana_batman: we need to change the gc name

[Nana_nana_batman has changed the group

name to Doyoung? More like Do-Taeil]

Japanese_prince: oh damn

Jisung_pwark: hot damn ok jaemin we see u

Leadermom: finally it's not me

Old_man: you're just gonna let him do this to me?

Chicago_boi: its entertaining as fck

Jisung_pwark: tall guy isnt wrong for once

yuk-HEY!: but ur^ tall too

Jisung_pwark: tall squad

Chicago_boi: gang gang

Sichenggg: am i part of this gang

Chicago_boi: if ur taller than yuta, then ur part of the gang

Japanese_prince: but am i taller than myself

Jisung_pwark: your ego is

yuk-HEY!: oh shit maknae on top

Leadermom: johnny let's not discriminate

Old_man: i will beat you up

Injunnie: with what, your cane?


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