Part 18

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I created this fic with Idreamt_once on Ao3 and she write a lot of it so basically all credit goes to her. GO READ HER FICS

Taeyong frowned at the current mess on the kitchen table. Not only was there a knocked out Yukhei half-lying on the table, there were two bottles of soju. Taeyong thanked the heavens silently that Yukhei had chosen a time when Jisung, Renjun, and Jaemin were at school.

"Why are you drinking at nine in the morning? On a Wednesday?" Taeyong asked, prodding at Yukhei's back. The giant groaned and shifted.

"Rubbing alcohol is for the external boo-boos, drinking alcohol is for the internal boo-boos," Yukhei muttered. Taeyong scoffed.

"You could have at least shared some," Taeyong said, grabbing himself a bottle from the remaining four. Yukhei shifted so he only took up half the table as Taeyong popped the bottle open.

"Wow, care to share?" Johnny said. He'd heard the popping of a bottle and was suddenly interested. Taeyong shrugged.

"Wasn't my credit card," Taeyong said. Yukhei groaned.

"So, why are we all here, at nine AM on a Wednesday, drinking?" Johnny asked as Taeyong handed him the bottle opener.

"Thinking about Jungwoo," Yukhei muttered. Taeyong choked on his soju.

"I was literally just about to say 'thinking about Jaehyun'," Taeyong coughed.

"Guess I'll be thinking about Ten," Johnny laughed, taking a swig.

"What the fuck?" Sicheng asked, walking into the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water.

"Want one?" Johnny asked. Sicheng shook his head, grabbed his glass, and walked back to Yuta's room.

"See," Taeyong said, a blush already creeping up his neck from half the bottle, "Sicheng's got a man, so he doesn't have internal boo-boos,"

"Meanwhile us," Johnny said.

"Airheaded romantics," Yukhei finished.

Donghyuck gagged a little internally when he passed by Jeno's history class. Donghyuck hated math, and was currently "going to the bathroom". He swung by Jeno's history class and glanced in through the window on the door, right where Renjun was sitting with his back straight, diligently taking notes. Jaemin and Jeno were making lovey-dovey eyes at each other. Donghyuck gagged again. He hurried past, thinking about how disgusting his friend was. He pulled out his phone again, texting Mark. He doesn't expect a reply, especially since it's a Wednesday morning, and Mark always was in the studio on Wednesday mornings.

Markiepoo and Duckie

duckie: i just saw jeno and jaemin

duckie: making googly eyes at each other

He pocketed his phone in favor of walking back to math class. Surprisingly, when he checked his phone again before opening the door, Mark had already replied.

Markiepoo: I'm sure you're like that when you look at me

Donghyuck left him on read.

"This is it," Yuta groaned, "I'm old and dying and will never learn this dance,"

"You just called me old," Taeil muttered, sitting beside Yuta on the practice room floor. Unfortunately, break was over, and it was officially comeback time again. The setting sun casted the room in elongated shadows, reflecting off the mirror. Taeyong shoved the practice room door open, and ran in, paper in hand.

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