Part 10

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I created this fic with Idreamt_once on Ao3 and she write a lot of it so basically all credit goes to her. GO READ HER FICS

Dress rehearsal. Taeyong sighed. Just how many times could they make all eighteen of them redo the entire fucking song? He gets that there are a lot of them, and camera work is difficult, but they've done it at least eighteen times.

"Hey, Taeyong?" Jaehyun tapped Taeyong's shoulder, making him jump, "Can you tell your members that we should have a quick meeting after this?"

"Yeah, sure," Taeyong agreed. Jaehyun stares into his eyes a little too long, not that Taeyong was complaining. Suddenly, Jaehyun breaks eye contact, coughing nervously, a flush creeping up his neck.

"Ok, great!" Jaehyun said, not meeting Taeyong's eyes. He bows quickly before scurrying off.

"Oh, what the fuck did I just do?" Taeyong asked himself.

"Oh, what the fuck did I just do?" Jaehyun asked himself as he collapsed against the waiting room couch.

"What did you do?" Donghyuck asked.

"Taeyong, he's just—" Jaehyun struggled to find the right words.

"So perfect?" Mark finished for him.

"Yeah," Jaehyun replied, before realizing what he had said.

"Wait! No!" Jaehyun tried to redeem himself, but Mark and Donghyuck were too busy giggling. Jaehyun had half a mind to flip them off, but Chenle was present.

"Guys, we have to do better than this!" Taeyong sighed. He and his members stood in their practice room, running over choreography that was supposed to be well-polished right now, but Taeil kept stepping on Johnny's foot, Renjun and Jaemin looked lost, and Jisung was nodding off.

"But Taeyong," Jisung whined, "I'm so tired."

"Taeyong, we've been doing this since nine o'clock," Yuta points out.

"And right now it's six," Sicheng finished. Taeyong gave them the side eye.

"Ok fine, we can do the collab dance," Taeyong said. Renjun noticeably perks up at that.

"I saw that, Renjun," Taeyong called, making his way over to his phone to change the song.

"Sorry, you guys aren't worth my effort to impress," Renjun said casually. A round of offended gasps sounds.

Another quiet night. Jaehyun puts Chenle and Donghyuck to bed early, everyone anxious for the performance tomorrow. Word has leaked out that there will be a "legendary collaboration stage", but no one seems to know with whom. Jaehyun settled under his covers and took his phone. He took a deep breath in. Why wasn't Yong texting him back at all? Jaehyun decides to throw away his dignity and text twice.

jj_yoonoh: Yong?

Jaehyun holds his breath. He almost screamed when the three dots appear at the bottom. Finally! Finally, The Yong drought was about to end!

ttyong: Heyyyyy

ttyong: Sorry I haven't been texting you I've been superrrr busy

jj_yoonoh: It's alright

jj_yoonoh: I've been extremely busy too

jj_yoonoh: Are you watching the stage tomorrow?

ttyong: Lol do you actually think I would fucking miss that

ttyong: It's like a gift from heaven 

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