Part 12

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I created this fic with Idreamt_once on Ao3 and she write a lot of it so basically all credit goes to her. GO READ HER FICS

Contrary to his member's beliefs, Johnny was not an idiot and did not "misplace" his sweatshirt at the venue of the award show. No, he didn't. It just so happened that he was wearing it when he bumped into someone in the hallway. Someone claimed to be cold, so Johnny, ever the gentleman, gave up his precious University of Chicago sweatshirt to him. It made Ten look so small and cute, but Johnny was too shy to comment on it. He was also too shy to ask for it back. Besides, Johnny decided, Ten looked good in his clothes. Ten should be wearing Johnny's clothes more often, because damn.

Taeyong decided that Jisung was way too happy right now. Jisung was supposed to be studying for his mid-year exams, but there he was, sitting on his bed in jeans at three in the morning, texting someone. Probably Chenle. Taeyong huffed.

"Jisung, please put your phone down and go to sleep," Taeyong sighed exasperatedly.

"Yeah, hold up," Jisung replied, not even looking up from his phone. Taeyong pushed open the door and stepped into the room. He glanced at the wooden desk with numerous textbooks and notebooks, with the occasional coffee mug scattered among them.

"Jisung," Taeyong warned. Jisung clicked his phone off.

"You're such a mom," Jisung whined. Jisung's phone lit up again and Jisung automatically reached for it.

"This is the last straw, Jisung Park," Taeyong reached over and snatched the phone from the pillow.

"Taeyong!" Jisung made an attempt for his phone, but Taeyong held tight.

"Go sleep, you need it to be tall," Taeyong said as he turned to leave the messy room.

"I'm taller than you," Jisung murmured at Taeyong's back. Taeyong ignored him and closed the door.

"No means no, Chenle," Jaehyun sighed. Chenle put on his best puppy face.

"Just one last text?" Chenle begged. He had to ask Jisung what his opinion was on pineapples. Had to.

"No, Chenle," Jaehyun said, tucking the phone into his pocket. Chenle made a face at Jaehyun's back and plopped himself down at his desk.

Jaehyun had half a mind to ask Taeyong to take Jisung's phone as well, but decided against it. Asking Taeyong would be like insulting him, right? Besides, what if he's already asleep? Jaehyun picked up his own phone and glanced at the notifications. Two notifications. From a private chat. With Taeyong. Jaehyun's heart fluttered.

Leadermom: have you seen Johnny's sweatshirt?

Leadermom: he claims to have left it with Ten

jae_hyun: was it the university of chicago one?

jae_hyun: I don't think Ten has taken that off

Leadermom: oh my

jae_hyun: yeah, Ten magically had it after the performance so

Leadermom: I see

jae_hyun: they're so whipped

Leadermom: yeah

Leadermom: but not as bad as Yukhei tho

jae_hyun: Lucas?

Leadermom: yeah he and

Leadermom: I shouldnt expose him

jae_hyun: does he like jungwoo

jae_hyun: bc i can tell you its mutual

Leadermom: great! So ill tell him

jae_hyun: no dont lmao

jae_hyun: piining is fun to watch

Ironic, Taeyong thought. Pining is fun to watch, but not when you are pining after someone yourself. Taeyong's brain kicked into overdrive, trying to probe at Jaehyun, but also playing it safe.

Leadermom: i wouldnt know

Leadermom: i havent pined after ppl

jae_hyun: its both the best anad the worst feelign in the world

Taeyong did a double-take. Jaehyun was pining? Had pined?

Leadermom: elaborate

jae_hyun: whenever you see him

jae_hyun: or her

Taeyong raised his eyebrow at that hesitation.

jae_hyun: you kinda want them to act cute and fluffy

jae_hyun: but at the same time

jae_hyun: you cant help but think they should flex their abs and

jae_hyun: sometimes it's like

jae_hyun: "choke me with your thicc thighs plz"

Leadermom: wow ok

jae_hyun: hey you asked

Leadermom: that was a bit more specific

jae_hyun: but that's the reality

Leadermom: but how do i know if i'm pining

jae_hyun: you will

Jaehyun stopped. Had he said too much? He had wanted to test the waters, to see how far Taeyong's boundaries were. But had he pushed to far? Jaehyun wished he could see Taeyong's beautiful face, to see how he reacted, but alas.

Taeyong hated traffic. He sat in the passenger seat, next to Johnny, who was driving to Jisung's school to pick him up. The car was heated, but Johnny had turned it off, since gasoline is always a precious resource.

"Johnny, you need better music," Taeyong huffed, reaching out to change the playlist.

"Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his mouth," Johnny said complacently. Taeyong sighed.

"Can you please change it before my ears bleed?" Taeyong asked. What was American music these days?

"Fine," Johnny said. He reached over and tapped the display a couple times. A bass-heavy song began to shake the car.

"Isn't this Elemental's?!" Taeyong asked. Johnny smiled.

"Why not?"


"We're here!" Johnny said, diverting the attention as he pulled off the highway at full speed, leaving Taeyong scrambling to grab the handles.

"I'm trying to make it to thirty, Johnny" Taeyong scolded as they made their way out of the car and into the building.

"Make it with Jaehyun, you mean," Johnny corrected. Taeyong stood there, shocked. Johnny paid no mind, whistling and signing himself in as Jisung's guardian.

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