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Steve shook his head in mock confusion. "So, wait a sec. I don't understand. You went back to my house?" He wasn't usually great at lying, but he was hoping to pull it off just this once.

"To look for Barb," Nancy answered.

"Yeah, okay, but why didn't you just talk to me? That's crazy."

"I don't know, we were scared."


"Tam and Ren went too."

"Okay, so do you all think you saw a guy in a mask just hanging out in my yard?"

"They think it was an animal. And I don't think it was a mask."

"But he had no face?"

"I don't know! I just have a terrible feeling about this."

"Oh, this is bad. This is really bad." Steve stepped back and leaned against the brick wall of the building.

Nancy stepped forward. "What?"

"The cops. They're gonna want to talk to all of us now. Tommy, Carol, Ren, Tammy."


"My parents are gonna murder me!" he practically yelled.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Nance, you don't understand. My dad's a grade-A asshole. Like, the worst kind."

"Barb is missing! And you're worried about your dad?"

"Yeah, I'm worried about my dad. He'll beat me, Nancy! Physically beat me if he finds out. Sorry I didn't tell you before, I guess."

Nancy paused. She wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, so he did it for her. "Just, when you talk to the cops, just don't mention the beers. It's just gonna get us all in trouble and Barb's got nothing to do with it."

She sighed. "I can't believe you right now." She walked off before he could get in another word.


"Hey, Tam? Think we should go check that out?" Ren pointed to where Nancy was standing with a suspiciously large group.

They rushed over to the alley and realised that Steve, Tommy, and Carol were part of that group, along with Jonathan Byers.

"Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but it wasn't like that."

"What, you just let him in your room to study?"

"Or for another pervy photo session," Tommy laughed.

"We were just," Nancy started.

"You were just what? Finish the sentence." When she just stood there without a response, he shook his head. "Go to hell, Nancy."

That pissed Ren off. He and Tammy had been hiding behind a garbage can, and he almost blew their cover. He stood up but was quickly pulled back down by his best friend. It seemed that every time he forgave Steve, the other boy found some way to ruin it.

"Come on, Nancy, let's just go," Jonathan said, pulling her behind him.

Steve stepped forward. "You know what, Byers? I'm actually kind of impressed. I always took you for a queer, but I guess you're just a little screw-up like your father." No, he didn't just say that. "Yeah, that house is full of screw-ups. I'm not even surprised what happened to your brother. I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you, but your family is a disgrace to the entire--"

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