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"Ren? You coming?"

"Yeah, just a second," he shouted back.

Steve smiled to himself as he walked back toward his boyfriend. His sand-filled flip flops were hanging from his hand while he held his towel in the other. "Baby, we have to leave now if we're gonna make it to Hawkins in time."

Ren closed his eyes as the waves hit his toes one last time. When he opened his eyes, he stretched his arms out toward Steve. "Carry me?"

Steve sighed and chuckled. He handed the towel to Ren and swiftly picked him up, carrying him bridal style.

"Is it bad that we haven't even left yet, and I'm already missing California?"

"Maybe just a little, but I know what you mean," Steve grunted once as he took the steps up to their beach house two at a time. That was one really big advantage to where they lived. The beach was literally in their front yard.

Steve set Ren down when they reached their front door and kissed him once. "I'm not ready to go back to pretending again," Ren whispered as he grabbed his backpack from the kitchen.

Steve frowned softly. "Maybe we don't have to. I know Hawkins isn't the most progressive place, but we'll only be around friends and family. It'll be okay if one or two of them see us kiss. Besides, the kids all know, and our parents won't be there."

Ren nodded once and started to walk toward their bathroom. "What about Jonathan and Nancy?"

A heavy sigh left Steve's mouth. "I mean, they know. If they can't handle it, that's their problem."

"It still baffles me," Ren reappeared for a moment to grab some clothes that were sitting on their dinner table, "that they invited us. Nancy still hates my guts, so why would I get my own invitation?"

"I don't know. Maybe she finally realised she was being petty for no good reason."

"I guess." Ren pressed a quick peck to his boyfriend's cheek. "I'm gonna take a shower before we go."

Right as Ren turned around again, Steve gently grabbed his wrist and followed him. "Oh, I need one too. And you know what's a great way to save water?"

Ren rolled his eyes lovingly and continued walking. "Fine, but we have to hurry."

"No promises."


The four-and-a-half hour-long flight to Indiana sucked. It wouldn't have sucked if Ren wasn't such a ball of nerves the entire time, but that was just who he was. The high altitude screwed with his legs, which were already weak from his injury all those years ago. He just knew he'd be asking to lean on Steve the entire way to the rental car, and he hated having to ask for help.

"How much longer 'till we get to Mike and Will's gate?" he asked, trying not to whine with each step.

"Here," Steve set his bag on the floor and crouched down in front of Ren, "want a piggyback ride?"

Ren huffed in frustration. "Is that okay?"

"Of course. You have any idea how strong I've gotten since your injury? With you on my back, it feels like there's just a blanket on my shoulders. You feel light as a feather, babe."

He nodded, "Okay," and hopped on. Steve was careful not to touch Ren's knees, as that was where the pain was the worst, but he held him tight to his own body.

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