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"Hey, Henderson! That's crazy, I was just talking about you." Steve looked to his left and saw his boyfriend. His grin grew wider. "Ren! Oh my god, I have so much to tell you!"

"Steve, that's gonna have to wait. We have to get out of here, now. Get ready to run," Dustin said as he cut the binds around Steve and Robin.

They stumbled up out of the chairs, Steve falling into Ren's arms, and ran out of there as fast as they could. Ren held tight to Steve's hand so he wouldn't lose him. When they reached the vehicle Ren had driven earlier, the two drugged teens fell into the back with Dustin while Ren and Erica hopped in the front.

Ren immediately started the vehicle and drove away from the guards who were now chasing them.

"Jesus, slow down," he heard Steve say in the back.

"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" Robin asked. Her speech was so slurred that they could barely understand her.

"It's the Indy 300."

"No, dingus, it's 500!"

"It's 300!"

"Let's say a million." They burst out into laughter and Ren just rolled his eyes. He needed to get them someplace safe where the evil Russians couldn't find them.

Erica turned her whole body to Ren. "What is wrong with them?"

Before Ren could actually answer, Dustin did. "I have no idea. But something's not right." Ren rolled his eyes again. It was clear that they were drugged, but he didn't blame a fourteen-year-old and ten-year-old for not knowing that.

He abruptly stopped, throwing the drugged teenagers against the back of the vehicle on accident. He ignored their groans of protest and helped Dustin get them out while Erica ran ahead with the taser-wand-thing.

Dustin shoved the keycard into the lock and the elevator door opened. They rushed into the elevator and immediately closed the door behind them. As the elevator went up, Steve claimed he was surfing on a rolling cart that Robin was pushing around, and then he fell and hit his head on a box.

Ren slumped down to the floor away from anything that could possibly fall on him or make him start bleeding again. He watched as Dustin tried to figure out what was wrong with Steve and heard that apparently they didn't have the keys to Steve's car anymore. He stood back up. "Wait, what?"

Steve shouted, "Ren!" and stumbled over to him. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and leaned all his weight on top of him. "They took the keys," he whined. "I tried to get 'em back, but they punched me 'n stuff."

When Steve started to fall, Ren caught him and kept an arm around his waist. "That's okay. We'll figure something out." Steve smiled in response. "Is that what you had to tell me?"

"Nope. I wanted to tell you that I love you." It was clear that he was trying to whisper, but he failed horribly. Ren's face went red. Steve gasped loudly and let go of Ren, walking to the center of the elevator. "Ren! We should get married!"

Robin stood straight up and lifted her arms above her head. "I'll do it! I'll marry you guys!"

"Yes!" Steve high-fived Robin right as the elevator stopped.

The conversation was temporarily paused when the door opened. The only thing Ren could think about was, Steve basically just outed us to Erica and Robin. And even though Robin is drugged, she seems to be okay with it. Is she okay with it? Fuck, what if she hates us after she sobers up?

"Oh my god, that tastes so good," Robin said as they walked out. She stuck her tongue out as if waiting for a snowflake to fall. "Steve, can you taste the air?"

"I taste it! I taste it."

The gate in front of them slid open, and a group of about eight guards started jogging towards them. The three that were sober pushed Robin and Steve ahead of them so they could all run faster.

Just a moment later, Ren blacked out, his body collapsing onto the hard concrete.

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