Germany x Reader- Relieving Realization

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<<Chapter art credit to ItzAnnaDraws03>>
Requested fluff by ChaCha_X3
(Modern era)
|Germany's accent is probably the only one I can do at all...|

To say you weren't excited for the upcoming Valentine's Day was a lie. Over the years, you had enjoyed the friendly, and/or romantic holiday. As a student in your high school, you never had a boyfriend. Therefore, the opportunity for February 14th to be ruined by potential heartbreak was slim to none. As predicted, it had not.

Now, you were an adult out in the real world, enjoying life. You had a job, a best friend, a vehicle, and a nice apartment. Speaking of which, you were currently on your way to surprise the dear friend. Fighting the disgusting slush from winter's wrath, your feet trudged onward. Your knuckles tapped on the door, and you hid your present behind your back. Footsteps emerged from within the cozy, quaint home. The door creaked open to reveal an unusually happy male.

"Hallo, Y/N. Come in." Germany beckoned, lightly touching your shoulder.

Yes, a country is your best friend. You wouldn't trade him for the world.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Germany!" You brightly smiled.

As the door shut, you were lead to the dining room.

"I took ze freedom to cook a meal worthy of heaven. I vish zat you vill agree, N/N." Germany held a seat out for you at the table.

In front of you, an array of divine aromas lured you in. Vast amounts of meats, breads, and other luxurious foods awaited for your consumption. You handed Germany his present, then proceeded to sit down. Germany sat down as well, and gingerly unwrapped the package.

Inside, was a photo book. He flipped through the pages, indulging further and further within the nostalgia. Everything, all the memories of the long history of your friendship was embedded within the pages. You took the time to write thoughtful notes, and to professionally glue the photos onto the pages.

Germany's eyes scanned over each and every detail. At some, he laughed. A few, he had to fight tears back. At most, he smiled. But, he felt something within his chest flutter at all of them.

Germany's P.O.V.

I remembered every single one of these moments. Everything we have been through. Parties, vacations, and sometimes just sitting at each others' homes. My best friend is truly one of a kind. Everything about her is perfect. She has always been like a sister, but I feel something else different. No matter how much I try to drown it with work, I cannot deny it anymore.

I looked up at her to see the most beautiful smile. She was watching me read the photo album.

"Zis is ze best gift I have ever received, Y/N. Danke." I slowly set it down, away from the food to avoid spills.

"Shh, enjoy the amazing meal you have cooked, we can chat after." Y/N's hand grazed my forearm.

The contact filled my stomach with more butterflies. Oh dear, I have never felt this way before.

We finished dinner quickly, and she had helped me clean it up. Once the last dish was washed, I led her out to the heated porch.

"I never get tired of spending time with you, looking out at the gorgeous snow-covered woodland." Her angelic voice sounded from beside me.

I cannot contain it anymore. Countless hours have been spent together, being so close to one another, but I feel as if she is enclosed behind glass.

I spent the next half an hour in a calm, silence. Then, the thought hit me like a sword:

I want that glass to shatter.

Y/N's P.O.V.

After coming out to the porch and sitting in the comfortable chairs, Germany suddenly went silent. You wondered what was going though his mind. It had been a while since you both last spoke. Did something bad happen at his work? Is he sick? Not happy with me?

Is there someone else?

No, you shoved that last thought back into the garbage. It was unfair to assume such a weird concept. Lately, you've been experiencing odd feelings. You could only pin it down as a crush on Germany. But, you tried your best not to let that ruin things. Of course, you kept it a secret. Bitterness arose at the mention of possible candidates to date him. However, you could not let it get in the way of his happiness if it had ever happened.

Just as you turned to ask him the reason for such a period of silence, a shout startled you backwards in your chair.

"I want that glass to shatter!" He cried out.

After realization, he covered his mouth.

"Y/N, I am so sorry. I did not mean to say that--"

"It's alright, everything is okay. Tell me what is going on." You engulfed him into a consoling hug.

"I...I must confess," Germany started, "Y/N, I cannot deny it anymore. I, am in love vith you!"

No, wait, what? That can't be right. Oh, but yes it is. He just said it. Your best friend, practically your other half, returned the same feelings you bottled up.

"Germany, Ihavefeltthesameway." You blurted, hiding your face into his shoulder.

" mean it?" He rubbed your back.

"Yes, yes I do."

After the long hugging session, you pulled back. He looked at you as well. Taking the risk, you slowly leaned in.

You could consider that day to be the best Valentine's Day, as you had shared your first kiss with your best friend-- scratch that, soulmate.

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