Philippines x Tall!Reader - Revived Relishment

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<<Chapter art credit to EnchantedEnemy38>>
Requested by skylarkae57.
(Modern era)

"Hey, could you grab that jar of pickles from the top shelf for me?"

"No fair, you only made a shot in the basket because you're tall!"

"How's the weather up there?"

Everyone thinks you have it easy. The teasing and favors got old. Activities involving heights is no challenge. Whether it be jumping or just reaching for items, you could do it. Everything, except...

"Sorry, kid you're too tall for the ride. Try a different hobby like skydiving or rock climbing instead." The ride attendant barred you from riding the new roller coaster at the local theme park.

Germany, Russia, Thailand, China, and Philippines all were waiting in a cart for you. When you were told to stay off, you complied. Anger, frustration, and annoyance at the rules came in a flurry from your friends. They were sure that you could ride it. That idea will have to be recycled.

The ride started, and you watched from the gate. Your friends looked forward at the track, except Philippines. He gave you a sad look as the cart rolled up and away from the fence.

Breathing a sigh of disappointment, you returned to a bench to sit. Not once have you ever gotten to ride a roller coaster. Your parents never took you when you were younger, and now you're older and too tall.

A few minutes later, the countries came back. Philippines walked right up to your side.

"How was the ride?" You tried your best to smile and hide the sadness.

He saw right through your facade, and put a consoling hand on your arm.

"Y/N, one day, I promise that you'll ride a roller coaster."

"That's a nice thought Phil, but I need to stop getting my hopes up." You frowned at him.

With a verbal humph from your friend, you and the rest of the group left the area to get some lunch. Afterwards, you spent the day on benches, watching over belongings and your friends having fun without you.


A few months went by, and you soon forgot about the whole ordeal. You had pretty much given up the simple dream of riding just one roller coaster.

Philippines had always at least came over three times a week, being your closest friend and all. However, that frequency was diminishing. After he got home from work, he was always away at some "meetings", and had no time to hang out and converse.

Even more months rolled by, and it was hard to deny your moodiness, due to your dreams and time with Philippines having been diminished. After another long day of suffering, you had gotten a surprise phone call from none other than Phil.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Y/N, come back to the park!" Phil nearly shouted.

"W-Why? What happened? Are you okay?"

A few giggles were stifled before he continued.

"No, just get your butt down here quickly. Come back to the same ride as before."

Hanging up the phone, you drove as fast as you could to where he was talking about.

You parked your car and high tailed it to get a ticket. After your twenty dollars was taken, you dashed to the ride where your dreams were stomped on.

In front of the gate stood Philippines. He was blocking your view of the roller coaster carts.

"Okay I'm here. What's up?" You practically wheezed.

"Today, I am going to fulfill my promise I made to you a while back." He put a blindfold on you, leading you forwards.

After a few steps, Philippines set you down into a seat and locked you in place.

"Philippines, what is this?" You questioned.

You felt someone sit down next to you and another belt clicking. The blindfold was taken off of you. You opened your eyes to find you were strapped into the new roller coaster.

"Y/N Y/L/N, you're going to ride your first roller coaster right now!" Phil cheered next to you.

"Really?!?!" You felt tears threatening to fall.

"Yes, I worked with the park managers to design and implement a special strapping for tall riders. That's why I was gone for a long time. Y/N, I'm so sorry I had to leave you. I hope this makes up for it."

"Oh my, yes! A million times yes!" You hugged your friend.

Pulling back blushing, you sat in your seat, ready to ride. The attendant started the ride, and you were engulfed in twists, turns, and dips. The wind whipped through your air, and you never felt so alive.

Soon, the ride was crawling to a stop. You got off, and so did Philippines. When you walked off the loading area, you faced your long time friend.

"Phil, thank you so much for this. You made my dreams come true! I got to ride my first roller coaster, and it was with my best friend!" You hugged him again.

"I would...give you the world." Phil looked up at you blushing.

You did as well, as the soft feeling hit you like a train. This man had worked his rear end off so you could finally ride a roller coaster. With this experience, a barrier in front of you had been lifted away. No longer were you ashamed to be tall— you were proud.

Unable to contain the pride and happiness building up within you, you quickly connected lips with Philippines. After the shock passed by, Phil had jumped up ten feet in the air.

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