Serbia x Worried!Reader - Ascending Angel

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Cover art by JoshuaDrawlyGuy.

Requested by AdvekaIsReading.

Writing this from my new laptop, so paragraphs may be longer.

Era: present time.

Warning: depression ahead.


The ring of your phone ripped your attention away from the novel you were engrossed in. Serbia's face and name appeared on the screen. You quickly swiped right and answered.

"Hello?" You tried to hide the nervousness in your voice.

"Hey Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to meet at my place for some pizza or something? With a good movie!" A slightly loud and proud Serbia inquired.

"Ah, sure, yeah that'd be great!" You internally squealed.

As you can probably deem from this conversation, you have a huge crush on your best friend of four years. (What's new?)

"Let me freshen up and I'll come over. Is that alright?" You swiftly got up from your couch and headed towards the bathroom.

"Yeah Y/N, but hurry up! See you when you get here."



"...bye." And the phone clicked, signaling the end of the call.

You got busy brushing your hair and making sure you didn't look like a slob, or smell like a garbage truck. Once satisfied, you rushed out the door.


Ten minutes later, you knocked on Serbia's door. Five seconds later, he ripped the door open and engulfed you in an air-stealing hug.

"Good to see you too, Serbia." You wheezed.

"I'm so happy to see you!" The inevitable smile on his face appeared.

It internally made you squeal. On the contrary, there was a time in which Serbia was not the smiling man he is today...


The high temperatures of June 5th was unforgivable that year. You brushed the sweat off your forehead as you walked into the home of Serbia. You were carrying a large wrapped box. He greeted you inside with open arms, as you had been close friends for a few months now. After a polite greeting, you noticed the dark rings under his eyes. Err, technically one eye. The other was covered up by the flag emblem, which struck you as significant. You had yet to determine the origins of the cover up.

This wasn't the first occurrence in which you noticed the stoic country's ill feelings either. It struck a chord in your heart to see him like that. When you first met him at a party, he had been quite normal. He loved parties, and it didn't take him long to get attached to you and form a strong bond. He was also overall quite a rude person to everyone, except you. As time raced by, you had begun to notice the sad tendencies of the male. You made a promise to yourself to keep watch over him. You didn't want him to continue suffering, or for him to hurt himself.

"Happy birthday!" You smiled.

"Thank you, Y/N. Don't stand too long in the heat." Serbia pulled you inside.

It was much cooler inside. Once Serbia sat down on the couch, you excitedly handed him your present. You couldn't help but form a cheesy grin. Serbia noticed, and a slight tint of blush appeared on his face, along with a faint smile. At least you were somewhat cheering him up.

He slowly unwrapped the delicate paper. Bit by bit, to reveal a cardboard box underneath.

"Just what I wanted, a cardboard box!" Serbia exclaimed, sending a sly look towards your direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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