Third Reich x Reader - Spry Sacrifice

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<<Cover art by RafNightmer>>>
Fluff requested by deathgal27.
(WWII era)
**Might not be "all happy" in the beginning, but it will be in the end. (Sorry I'm not always the best at fluff.)
Warning: war violence and little swearing ahead.

You never thought the day would come. You were ripped away from your sick, poor family by the Nazis. No, you were not jewish. Desperate for resources, the socialist army started drafting at least one fit adult from each German household to serve in the war— men and women alike. Due to being the only healthy member, you were taken.

It was hard to be gone away from everything you knew for so long. This wasn't anything like your small home town. You missed your family, and farming for a living.

After receiving poor training for months at a boot camp, you were equipped with meager weapons and shipped off to Dunkirk. It was a shame you couldn't enjoy the beach, as you were quite fond of the ocean.

Your squad was placed on a halt order, so you were sitting around for three days, waiting for the Allies to come. After the third day at camp, a gunshot blared out. A siren screamed, and your squad was rushed into battle. Shoving your stahlhelm on, you grabbed a nice StG-44 and followed behind.

The training seminar at boot camp painted war as sweeping forward in a neat line with everything at once. What a bunch of liars.

Chaos surrounded you. Allies and Axis clashed. Each soldier and artillery was spread out like the legs of a prostitute.

Comrades cried out as they lay on the nasty sand, bleeding out. It was a heartbreaking sight. It was hard to tell what was happening. Shaking in your boots, you glanced around nervously. Finally, the green glint of a brodie caught your eye. Raising your gun, you brought the scope up to the forehead of the enemy.

Without hesitation, you pulled the trigger. The Brit dropped dead quickly. At first, you felt horrendous guilt. Having to take another life over a political skirmish. It was unjustifiable.

Looking back at your squad— your family, you knew that was where your duty lies. To your country, your people. That is who you belong to. No, you did not partake in the Nazi ideology. You didn't buy the "Aryan Race" belief. It was just a bunch of bullshit.

You forced yourself to stop feeling the guilt of the murder, and fought for your own creed.

"Der Tiger brennt es!" Someone shouted out.

You looked behind you to see a Tiger Tank burning as it was retreating. Still filled with passion, you dashed to the tank. An officer was exiting out of the vehicle. He jumped down, and stood at the front of it. Just as you reached it, a Mills bomb was thrown towards the officer.

Without thinking, you dove forward. The officer was safely knocked out of harms way. However, you were not. An explosion erupted, and you screamed.

"Gott hilf mir!" You yelled in agony.

You clutched your left leg. Well, what was left of it, at least. You rolled over to see your foot and most of your calf gone. You screamed again. Blood started gushing out like a river.

Another pair of arms raced to patch you up. With blurred vision, you looked up to see none other than the Third Reich.

"Bleib wach, tapferer Soldat! Ich werde dich reparieren. Ich werde dich nicht sterben lassen!" He reassured you.

He must've been the officer you saved. Anyways, the blood flow was cut off, and you were picked up. Having been rushed to a nearby medic tent, you passed out on a cot.


"Hnnggh" You groaned.

Soft light fell onto your face. You were still on the same cot as before. However, a hand was softly squeezing yours.

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