Fem!Russia x Capitol!Reader- Spectacular Sports

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Cover art by flippinfatbears.
Requested by MyLemonCat.

I'm unsure about personality, but I'm gonna give it my all on this one (like I always do on all of the others). I'm just gonna make up events and stuff too.

Era: Modern, slightly futuristic.  


"Moscow!" A voice rang out in the hallway.

"Yes, Russia." You stood awaiting orders.

"Tell Italy that his Marathon Swimming team had better be present for this year. Last year in Berlin was a disaster and I don't want this year's to be the same!" She shouted at you like Gordon Ramsay.

"Yes, ma'am."

"And while your at it, phone Canada on his Weightlifting team and request their official roster."

"Yes, ma'am." You bowed your head.

"That should be all for now." She squinted her eyes in thinking mode.

You silently dashed to your small office and proceeded to madly smash phone numbers to ring them up. Operations around the capitol building were not normally like this, however when it comes time to host the olympics...it was. When it comes time for a country to do such, it is taken seriously. It is a chance to show off the beauty and strength of a country.

Russia is known for her brute but gracious muscle. Hosting the games is very important to her, like a teenage girl's Sweet 16 party. In fact, with the initial planning, Russia was quite the terror. Not that you minded— in fact, you'd let her walk all over you.

See, you are also very special. You represent Russia's capitol, Moscow. For as long as she is around, so are you. And who could forget poor old Moscow's hopeless crush on the tough country. Poor you.

After a long lecture about pasta, you finally managed to get Italy to announce that there will "be-a marathon swimming team from-a Italy!". Wow.

Next came Canada. With two shy words, Ottawa quickly sent you an email containing the pdf you needed. Perfect. You printed off the paper in two seconds.

With the two responsibilities done, you ran back to Russia's office.

"Russia, Italy is a go on the Marathon Swimming team and here is Canada's Weightlifting team's roster."

"Well done, take the rest of the night off." Russia set the paper down on the side of the desk.

Your eyes involuntarily followed the movement of her hand. Next to it was an empty bottle of vodka. You checked the clock.

It's not even noon yet.

She's already drinking and letting you go home. The olympics are only two days away. Most of the teams are here and the stadium is almost put together to host such a large crowd. Something is amiss.

"Russia, are you sure everything is alright?" You timidly spoke.

"Yes, now get out of here." She snapped.

Not wanting to anger the giant nation, you bolted out of there.


Forty-eight hours later, you stood behind your superior as she stood and gave the welcoming address for the year. As she finished, the bowl was torched. The orange glow of fire illuminated, giving a special shine to Russia's darker red skin. She was gorgeous.

With the conclusion of the opening ceremony, Russian officials retreated back to designated spectator areas. You were placed on Russia's right side. It was incredibly difficult to not sneak glances towards the girl.

Y/N, you vile swine, control yourself.

The games started fairly well. In the current gold metal standings, America held first, with Russia close behind. China in third.


The time went by quickly. It was the last day, and soon the final champions will be crowned. The United States and Russia were tied with fifteen medals each, and Germany surpassed China with nine.

You and Russia were sitting next to each other just as before. This year's last event was women's weightlifting.

The competitors were lining up to start. Everyone was there... except your own country's representative for the +87 class.

"Where is he?!" Russia grabbed an official by his collar.

"Ma'am, he's out with a torn achilles tendon from yesterday's practice." The boy was sweating bullets.

"Get a replacement!" She growled.

After a few phone calls, there was unfortunately no one available.

"How could this have happened?" You awkwardly squawked.

"I-I don't know." Russia's voice started quivering.

Her eyes glossed over.


"You can do it." You blurted.

"W-What?" She looked at you confused.

"Russia, you can do it. You're the strongest person I know, and it's better than nothing."

"I couldn't possibly—"

"Yes you can! I believe in you. Do it for Russia, and...me." You blushed at the last part.

With a few moments of silence, Russia's almost-tears faded into confidence.

"Для тебя." She stood proudly.

You're face heated up even more. Russia jumped down from the private stands and stomped towards the weights.

The crowd fell silent. Officials were confused, but allowed her to participate nevertheless. The  event officially began.

With blood, sweat, and tears, Russia's total tallied up to 339 kg. She had beaten the standing record. 

The crowd cheered. Other countries had tried to dispute the win, but were eventually suppressed.

"You did it!" You jumped off the stands and hugged the sweat-ridden girl.

"I...did..." She panted.

After weightlifting was ended, you and Russia returned to your seats. Announcers barked out the final results.

With the conclusion of the games:

3rd: Germany- nine gold medals.
2nd: U.S.A.- fifteen gold medals.
1st: Russia- sixteen gold medals.

As the confetti dropped down, Russia squeezed you in a tight embrace.

"This was the best olympics ever! And I couldn't have done it without you, Moscow." She cheered.

"Indeed." Was all you could manage under the tight hold.

In final words, a sudden kiss on the lips robbed you of the last fresh oxygen in your lungs.


A/N: Sorry the ending was super rushed.   I would like to thank everyone that has read this book. It has really taken off and I have gotten amazing support from you all. Please let me know if there are any errors on here; I'm too tired to edit.

Any Hetalia fans here? I need new stuff to read/things to do. :)

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