It Can't Be!

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Linda's heart stopped when she heard an officer had been injured on the job. She was driving back home from her appointment when she heard it on the radio. She held her breath, praying it wasn't Danny.
She walked up to the PC's office, and barged in. "Please tell me it wasn't Danny!" She begged Henry. "Please! It can't be Danny! It can't! Why aren't you answering me? Oh, no! It's Danny isn't it? Danny was hurt? He's the officer down? He's okay, right? Why aren't you answering me?"
"Oh no! He's dead!" She sat down in the chair and started to cry. "It's not fair! Tonight was supposed to be great! We were gonna have veal parmigiana, garlic bread, drippy candles, and it was gonna be so romantic! And I was gonna tell him!" Linda put her hand on her stomach, and Henry's face filled with surprise and worry.
"You're pregnant?" He wondered.
Henry called his DCPI, and soon he was standing in the office. "Could you escort Linda to the hospital?"
"Yes. Come on," he held his hand out and Linda took it.
As soon as they walked out, Henry picked up the phone. "Betty? Hi, it's me. I need a favor..."
Linda paced up and down the hospital, crying and praying Danny was okay.
Erin walked up to her sister in law and hugged her. "He'll be okay, Linda. It was just his shoulder."
"Yes. Just sit down."
"I can't sit down! Not when he's in there! Not when I'm out here! He can't die! Not now! Not now since he's a father!"
"What?" Erin asked quietly. "You guys are pregnant?"
"Uh-huh!" She sobbed harder.
The doctor came out, "Danny Reagan?"
Linda jumped up. "Yeah! That's me! He's my wife! Is he okay?"
The doctor smirked a little, "he's fine. And he's asking for Linda."
"That's me! Can I see him? He's okay?"
"Follow me."
Linda followed the doctor, and the moment she saw Danny on the hospital bed, she ran to him and covered his face with kisses. "Thank goodness you're okay! You're okay!" She kept repeating. Then she did a 180, and lightly slapped Danny on the arm. "Why on earth did you go and get shot anyways?! Do you know how worried I was? You could've been killed! What were you thinking?!"
Danny smiled, "I didn't want together shot; it just happened. I really tried not to get shot. But I'm okay now. I'll be on modified assignment for a while, then back in action. Don't worry, babe. I'm fine."
"Are you sure?" She whispered.
"I promise."
Betty, Danny's grandma, walked in. "Can I talk to Linda for a sec?"
Linda looked at Danny, as if asking permission. He nodded, and she followed Betty.
Betty handed her a bag that smelled delicious. "Henry told me your situation. I got you what you wanted- even the drippy candles."
"Oh, Betty." Linda started softly crying. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now go tell him the good news."
Linda smiled and walked into his room. "Since we're gonna be staying here, Betty went out and got us dinner."
"Can't trust that hospital food!" Danny smiled as Linda got everything ready.
Half way through their meal, Linda brought up her doctor's appointment. "So, I went to the doctors today."
"Oh yeah? How'd that go?"
"She said I was doing everything right, I'm not sick, we're gonna have a baby, I'm perfectly healthy—"
"What did you say?" Danny interrupted her.
"I'm perfectly healthy?"
"Before that."
"I'm not sick?"
"No! After that!"
"Oh, you mean the part about us having a baby?"
"Yeah! Really? You're pregnant?"
Linda nodded. "We're gonna have a baby!"
Linda and Danny shared a kiss before the whole family came in to give congratulations.

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