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*So this is for PrimetimeDramafan82, who requested some sort of injury concerning Lindanny or the boys*

Linda smiled as she watched Jack and Sean play catch with their Dad. He had been promising them for a month he'd teach them how, but had always been called to work. Finally, he had a day off, and the boys couldn't have been more excited!
Linda washed the dishes as she saw Sean catch the baseball. He pathetically threw it back to his Dad, prompting the detective to smile. "You'll get it next time," he told Sean.
"Okay!" The six year old smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
"Dad?" Eight year old Jack started.
"How come Mom didn't wanna play?"
"Last time I played ball with her, I accidentally beamed her." He chuckled as he threw the ball to Jack.
"What does that mean?" Sean wondered.
"It means the ball hit her in the head. She had a pretty good knot on her forehead."
"How do you get a knot on your forehead?" Sean caught the ball and threw it to his brother.
"It's complicated."
"Danny!" Linda called from the porch.
"Yeah?" He looked at her as he caught the ball.
"Don't you dare beam one-a our sons!"
"I won't," he chuckled as Linda went back into the house.
"She doesn't trust you, does she?" Jack wondered.
"No, she does. She just doesn't want anyone to get hurt, that's all."
"But couldn't Mama fix us up? Cause she's a nurse?" Sean asked as he threw the ball back to his brother.
"I suppose. Can you guys keep a secret?"
"Uh huh!" The boys nodded as the walked up to Danny.
"She's crazy. I don't think she's human."
Sean's eyes widened as Jack smirked. "No!!"
"Yeah. She's an alien from Venus."
"Wow!" Sean was amazed.
"What're you telling them now?" Linda called from the window.
"Top secret guy stuff." Danny smiled as Linda shook her head.
"Please be careful." She begged.
"We will, Mom!" Jack answered as they resumed the game.
Soon, Linda heard crying and she looked up to see Danny carrying a bawling Sean into the house. "What happened?"
Danny sat Sean on the counter. "Jack beamed him."
"I'm sorry, Sean! I thought you were paying attention!" Jack apologized.
"Here," Danny slapped a piece of steak on Sean's eye. "That'll help the swelling."
"No, don't use meat, babe! Ice!" Linda grabbed the ice pack out of the freezer and gently placed it on Sean's eye after removing the meat. "It'll be okay, sweetie. You'll be just fine. And we'll make Daddy eat that steak."
Sean laughed a little and wiped his tears away. "I think I'm okay."
"Look on the bright side," Danny smiled. "Now you get to brag to your friends 'bout your shiner. The boys'll be envious, and you'll freak out the girls."
Sean gave Danny a high five, and Linda lightly slapped his butt. "What? It's true."
Linda smiled, "Sean, since you were brave about this, you can have something extra on your ice cream at dessert time, okay?"
"Okay!" He hugged his Mom, and she kissed him on the cheek.
Helping him off the counter, she said, "I think that's enough catch for one day. Go wash up."
The boys ran upstairs to wash their hands.
"You, too, big boy," she wrapped her arms around her husband's waist.
He smiled and kissed her. "I didn't think Jack had that good of an arm."
"It's okay; Sean doesn't seem fazed."
"Will I get a little something-something on my dessert, too?" Danny smirked.
"You're impossible." Linda gave him a quick peck. "Go wash up, and then we'll see."
Danny smiled and went to get ready for dinner.

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