Barging In

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"They're just making love," Jamie protested.
"Nah," his partner, Vinny, argued. "Those are screams of help."
"They're screams of ecstasy!"
"No, I don't think so."
"Have you heard any screams of ecstasy lately?"
"Well... uh, that is... uh, no."
"So how do you know those aren't screams of help?" Vinny knocked on the door, and waited for an answer. When none came, he juggled the doorknob, opening the door.
"I'm telling you, Vinny, you're making a big mistake!" Jamie tried to warn him.
"Let's follow the noise." He followed the noises upstairs.
"I'm serious, you're making a really big mistake!"
"Why don't you let me deal with my own mistakes, huh?" He knocked, but once again, no one answered. He turned the knob and walked in, leaving Jamie somewhat hiding in the hall.
"Police?" Vinny heard all sorts of strange noises, but didn't see anything.
The couple banged their heads on the edge of the bed, and leaned against it. They looked at him questionably.
"We had a call for domestic violence?" Vinny felt incredibly uncomfortable. He had no idea he had barged into Detective Danny Reagan's home.
"Domestic violence my @ss," Danny angrily said. "The only violence that's about to happen is me banging her. Hard."
Linda blushed deeper as they heard an 'I toldja'. "Is Jamie out there?"
"Yeah," Vinny grabbed Jamie's arm and pulled him into the doorway.
Danny gave the evilest look anyone had ever given to his little brother.
"Uh, officers, we're sorry if we were too loud," Linda's apologized, her face redder, if that was even possible. "We'll try to keep it down."
As the officers left, Danny called out, "thanks a lot, kid!"
That Sunday during dinner, Danny was still mad at Jamie for barging in on them. "By the way, kid, I never got a chance to properly thank you for dropping in on us Saturday."
"Danny, I told you. It was an accident! I told him exactly what was happening, and he didn't listen!"
"Mmhmm. Sure."
"It's true!"
"Are we missing something here?" Henry asked.
"Danny's just a little mad, that's all," Linda explained, not wanting to get into the whole situation.
"A little mad?" Danny looked at Linda. "Linda, they barged in on us while we were having se—"
"Okay, Danny, drop it."
"No, I'm not gonna drop it. He and what's-his-face barged in while we—"
"Okay, Danny. First of all, they knocked, second of all, this is the dinner table, for Pete's sake."
"Uncle Jamie walked in on you two making love?" Nicky asked, not listening to her aunt. "Eww!"
"Let's drop it, okay?"
There was momentary silence before Erin wondered, "did you learn any pointers?"
That sent the table, except Linda and Danny, into giggles. Finally, the blonde cracked, and started laughing.
Eventually, Danny started laughing, too, "okay, so maybe it is kinda funny..."
"It's very funny!" Nicky laughed.
After that dinner, the situation was only brought up for a few good laughs, nothing else.

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