♛Chptr. 14: What He Smells Like♛

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3rd person's POV

It's been almost two years and a half when Jimin last saw himself in a mirror. He was afraid to look--no, terrified. He's not planning on even trying again. He's had enough. He doesn't want to even remember his past anymore.

The blonde-haired boy slowly stood up looking anywhere but in front of him. He removed his cloak from his body and covered the mirror with it. When he felt the cloak swing on the top of the mirror, he faced his front and heaved a sigh of relief.

"That was close..." He took a shower after, like what Jungkook ordered for him to do. Even though it was freezing outside and his body is too, he thanked Jungkook's shower for having a hot option for him.

He wore Jungkook's comfy gray long sleeves and black track pants that just reached his ankles. But what worried him was his black cloak. He can't go out without it!

Jimin looked at his cloak that was soaking wet hanged on the mirror as he sighed. Now he doesn't know what to do. It's not like he can just go out without it. No...he would rather stay in the bathroom and wait for his cloak to dry if he needs to.

"Um, Jimin? Are you done?" A knock was heard outside the door and Jungkook's voice called out for him. He suddenly felt anxious and he looked around thinking of what to use to cover his face.

"Hello?... I'm here to get your wet clothes so I could wash it and dry it after." Another knocks and Jimin began to be frantic about it. He can't see anything to use to cover himself!

"O-One sec! Please I just..." Jungkook from over the door heard the tone of the younger's voice and somehow sensed that something's not right.

"Is there something wrong Jimin?" He leaned closer to the door and heard shuffling sounds and frantic walking.

"Hey! Are you alright? Do you need any help?!" Jungkook grew worried because Jimin isn't still answering him. He began to think of worst-case scenarios like maybe Jimin lost consciousness or freeze to death or maybe starts to have panic attacks or something.

"Shit!" He rushed to the kitchen and opened one cabinet on the counter only to grab some keys that would open the bathroom door. He searched for the certain key and immediately inserted it to the doorknob, opening the door and readying to aid for the younger's help but Jungkook saw nothing.

Actually, Jimin isn't really there?

"Jimin?" He called out with a worried tone.

A shuffling faint sound was heard from behind the blinds that cover the bathtub and the shower area and that's when Jungkook realized that Jimin is hiding behind it holding on to the blinds carefully.

"You scared the shit out of me! What do you think you're still doing there? Aren't you dressed yet?" Jungkook asked annoyed and a little frustrated. He almost panicked as to why Jimin isn't answering him.

"S-Sorry." Jimin muttered and bit his lower lip another time.

Jungkook only sighed and touched the bridge of his nose. He lost his cool once again. "Why are you even hiding there? Come out... I need to wash your clothes." Jungkook looked around and saw the black cloak hanging on the mirror. He was about to remove it.

"DON'T!" Jimin shouted startling Jungkook in the process.

"Why?" Jimin didn't say anything after and Jungkook is slowly losing his temper. He's not someone with so much patience so instead of asking another question, he walked towards the younger's direction.

"Don't come near me! Please, I'm begging you!" Jungkook knitted his eyebrows and placed his hands over his hips.

"First you told me not to remove your cloak from that mirror and now you are telling me not to get closer to you?! Do you think I'm someone who follows people's orders that easily?! Well, listen here kid, I follow my own rules." He stomped towards Jimin even though the younger told him not to for the second time.

He forcefully draws the curtains open only to see Jimin already sitting on the corner all balled up in himself with his knees over his chest and his face hidden deep on his arms and thighs. The younger began to cry real hard and that's when Jungkook felt the same pang in his chest like earlier. Only this time, he was the one who's guilty.

"Please don't look at me... I don't want you to be disgusted in me... Please..." The boy wept, his voice cracked whilst his face is still on his knees.

Jungkook just observed the boy. He doesn't know why Jimin was crying over something like this. And why would he be disgusted in him exactly? Jungkook questioned himself.

He sounded desperate... Why does he hate showing his face so much?

Jungkook went outside only to grab two extra unused towels in his room but came back to the bathroom. He placed one towel over Jimin's head and it was enough to cover even half of the boy's body. Jimin's cries stopped even though he's still shaking a little.

"Use that for the meantime, they're unused don't worry... And... sorry for forcing you to come out." Jungkook backed away after. He grabbed the black cloak that was on the mirror and replaced it with the other towel he brought with him.

"I'm going to wash your clothes fast and your cloak too. I replaced it with a towel so... you could come out and wait for me in the living room if you want." He said after leaving the boy.

Jimin heard the footsteps go farther until he can't hear it anymore. He scrunched his nose and wiped his tears with his arms before he finally looked up seeing Jungkook already gone.

He felt bad for pushing Jungkook away but he doesn't have a choice. He doesn't want to show his face to him, not even a glimpse. It would only turn out bad. He did that for Jungkook... 

He touched the towel over his head and the smell of strawberry infused with vanilla intruded his nose buds. He suddenly relaxed. He began to wonder if Jungkook smelt like that too. 

Although he wasn't sure, he knew what another smell Jungkook has.

Jungkook smells like calmness... a very gentle but exquisite one.

Something Jimin hadn't smelt for a very long time.


I'm sorry for writing a lot. It's just... when I'm inspired my fingers write on its own and my mind starts having lots of thoughts. 

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