♛Chptr. 9: Who should really apologize?♛

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3rd person's POV

(7:00 PM)

Jungkook was lying on his bed, just staring at the ceiling. He was bothered by what he did earlier. He didn't know what has gotten into him that he suddenly had the urge to push someone that rudely. He always kept his cool on things but earlier was a different issue. He was creeped out and that was his normal reaction.

He sat up whilst he ruffled his jet black hair. He was frustrated and couldn't handle the guilt. No matter how scary the person was, he knew that he shouldn't have hurt the latter. He wasn't raised by his mother and father to be ill-behaved.

"I...I was the one who's at fault! He just...he was just helping me..." Jungkook looked at his finger with a band-aid now. Then he looked at his side table which had the white fabric with his blood stains on it.

"He was trying to help yet I pushed him because I was scared..." He took the white fabric and examined it as he keeps on sighing and contemplating, "You are such a dick Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook was ready to fall back again on his bed when he heard the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" He shouted, expecting that it would be his mother which earlier told him that she would go to the convenience store to buy some groceries. Jungkook hurried to the white wooden door and opened it but he saw no one.

He was about to close it when he saw a piece of paper resting on their doormat. He reached for the paper as he closed the door to read it on their black couch on the living room.

"Was this from my mother?" Jungkook decided to open the paper but he noticed that it wasn't his mother's hand-writing.


I just wanted to apologize for scaring you earlier...I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry.


It was short writing on the paper but was enough for Jungkook to know who the sender was. The door then opened showing Mrs. Jeon with her grocery bags. Jungkook offered for help but Mrs. Jeon stopped his son saying she could do it.

"Mom..." Jungkook called from the couch while Mrs. Jeon was in the kitchen arranging the bags of groceries.

"Yes, Jungkookie?" Plastic bags are heard from the kitchen.

"Is it okay to be friends with a creepy person?" Mrs. Jeon was confused about her son's question. She wasn't even sure if she heard him right so she decided to peak from the kitchen to look at Jungkook.

"Pardon?" She questioned.

Jungkook rested his head on the back of the couch tiredly. "I mean, I met a very creepy person in school. He wears this stupid black cloak all the time and has this dark aura on him. He was so scary but I also think that... maybe he isn't? I don't know... It's confusing." Now Mrs. Jeon was concerned. 

Did her child just ask her if he could friends with what she thought was a 'serial killer' from how Jungkook describes the person?

"Well... how do you know this person?"

"I don't exactly know him but I have already met him multiple times now. He even treated my finger that happened to bleed whilst I was grabbing a broken vase." Jungkook told but disregarded how he managed to push the boy in return.

Mrs. Jeon thought this through. Later on, she gets back to arrange the groceries again as if she didn't hear anything from Jungkook in the first place. She was actually smiling.

"You should be friends with him." Mrs. Jeon casually told. 

Jungkook sat straight, not believing that her mother approved of this. "W-Why? I just told you that he's creepy!" Mrs. Jeon chuckled as she shakes her head. She peeked from the kitchen to look at her son with a smile on her face.

"I think you're not really scared of him though. I mean, you sounded as if you just thought that he is scary but feels otherwise... am I right?" Mrs. Jeon doesn't know who the person was, but she just had a feeling that the person wasn't bad, judging from how her son was opening about this. She knows Jungkook and she knows that he's not someone who would talk about things not unless it caught his attention.

"Mom, I'm serious! He scares the shit out of me!" Mrs. Jeon smirked at his son's obliviousness.

"Okay~ If you say so." Jungkook rolled his eyes at his mother and leaned his head on their spacious black couch. It was then silent.

Jungkook was thinking this through. He can't possibly be friends with the creepy person since he just pushed him earlier. And who would be that stupid to forgive a jerk that just pushed him by trying to help, right? Even he wouldn't forgive that easily if it was him.

Jungkook looked at the piece of paper in his hand.

"But why is he apologizing like some idiot when he didn't even do anything wrong?" Jungkook wondered and was pissed off just by thinking about this.


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