♛Chptr. 4: We Dare You, Jeon Jungkook♛

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3rd person's POV

"Class, give Mr. Jeon Jungkook the company he needs okay? I'm leaving him in your care." The teacher who was close to getting bald told.

Although some students weren't even paying attention, some looked at Jungkook with flirty stares, mouthing words which Jungkook couldn't get a hold of. He even thinks he heard a girl say 'Rawr' so he scrunched his face mentally.

"Mr. Jeon, that's your sit at the back." His teacher pointed at the last chair at the back of the first row that was by the window. But before Jungkook could walk towards his seat, his teacher warned him.

"Don't make friends with those five troublemakers, they won't bring you any good...understand?" Jungkook looked at the five guys with different hair colors at the back. 

The guys already had a smirk on their faces as they eyed at Jungkook like he was some new 'prey'. Jungkook didn't have a single care in the world so he walked to his seat with confidence, ignoring those guys the teacher told him about.

Jungkook was staring out the window which wasn't so much of good sight. The scenery was just boring buildings, houses from afar and street posts. He hates this new neighborhood so far.

"Hey... are you new here?" The brown-haired guy with a dimple on the side of his cheek tapped his shoulder and asked.

"Namjoon-ah, why ask an obvious question?" A black-haired male with a dark aura and a blank expression told. 

"Shut up." Was what the brown-haired replied.

"Ooh~ Cool headphones you have here. This looks expensive, could I borrow it?" The guy with a pink hair who was sitting in his front reached for his headphones, already placing it on his head when Jungkook snatched it away.

"I hate sharing my things to others... especially when I'm not close to them." Jungkook growled with his blank stare. The pink haired just chuckled in disbelief but soon had a dark smirk plastered on his face.

"You have an attitude buddy." The pink-haired was about to stand up from his seat when a red-haired guy who was just sitting next to the pink-haired grabbed the latter by the shoulder to stop him. Unlike the others, the red-haired looks more calm and friendly.

"Easy there Taehyung, you can't beat the new student up." He told with a smile as he looked at Jungkook.

"Hi! I'm your hope, I'm your angel... I'm J-Hope~" And a sunshine smile emitting on his face was too radiating.

"This is the reason why people don't fear you... you look too soft Jung Hoseok." The red-haired pouted at the comment of the blonde-haired with a very wide shoulder.

"Jin-hyung, you meanie~"

Jungkook ignored all of them as he looked again out the window, staring into blank space. His thoughts were now flying away but it happened to come back to the memory he had earlier on that creepy floor. 

Jungkook wasn't sure of what he saw but a part of him tells him that he had just seen a ghost at broad daylight!


"It was more than traumatizing." Taehyung blabbered out as everyone started laughing.

They are the field of their crappy school, sitting there at the rusty metal benches and hanging out like what friends do. In front of them was old fences that were about to fall out, even the breeze of the night could like seem like they were about to crawl out of a horror movie.

"Don't you dare dance again Namjoon-ah! Hahahaha, it's really hilarious!" Hoseok told, almost gasping for air from laughing too much.

Jungkook, on the other hand, wasn't paying attention. He was randomly looking at things to take a picture with his camera. The class ended a while ago and Jungkook decided to join the five guys the teacher warned him about. 

Let's just say that Jungkook wasn't too much of a fan of following the rules... and it shows, well, obviously.

"What about you Jungkook? What do you do for fun?" His five newly found acquaintances looked at him, waiting for his answer.

"I play games most of the time, or read... sometimes I take pictures of things. Depends on my mood really." Jungkook told casually whilst he continued taking pictures of the sky now. It was starting to become yellow-orange and the night was about to peak in.

"That must be too boring." Jin told honestly, earning a chuckle from everyone. Jungkook looked at them sternly.

"It's not boring if you would try it. Taking pictures for example...it wouldn't be boring unless you're not knowledgeable-"

"Woah, Woah... take it easy pretty boy, we're not here for some lectures from you haha. You know what... I think we should have a little fun." Namjoon wriggled his eyebrows as he looked at Jungkook. He had a plan in mind for their new friend.

"And what fun is it exactly?" Jungkook questioned.

Namjoon looked at the others as he gave them signals. A smirk managed to crawl up their cheeks as they know what Namjoon was implying.

"You see, it's no fun if we would spill the beans, so instead of saying this to you directly... Why not find out for yourself?" Jungkook was confused. He doesn't know what Namjoon was trying to say.

"We are giving you a dare Jeon Jungkook. But the real question is... are you brave enough to accept it?" Yoongi continued. 

Jungkook felt like his man pride was getting stepped on and he hates that feeling.

"I'll do it." Jungkook replied.

Not knowing what awaits for him.


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