♛Chptr. 21: Uncovered♛

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3rd person's POV

Jungkook was still scanning the whole room, not leaving a single person's face which was hard for him since he's already started getting dizzy. But he can't just give up, his eyes were just automatically looking for the younger he invited.

Why isn't he here yet? Is he going in the first place?

His trance was broken when three guys run inside huffing like they've seen a ghost or something. Even though the room was loud he could still hear what they were mumbling about since he's a little close to them.

"Shit I think I pissed on my pants!"

"W-Why is that kid even here? Did Taehyung invite him?"

"No that can't be! Are you serious? Taehyung wouldn't invite a freak like him at his party!"

Jungkook almost spat his drink out. That was enough for him to know whom they were talking about. He placed his cup down the counter, not even bothering to bid Taehyung and the others goodbye before he walked in the direction of the three boys.

"Where is he?" He asked all of a sudden making the three boys look at him confused.


"The guy you are talking about." He continued unamused.

The guys looked at each other and then later got what Jungkook meant. "Ah, you mean the freak? He's outside-" Jungkook didn't let him finish as he began walking away but then he looked back at them.

"One more thing," Jungkook said earning their attention. "Call him a freak one more time and the next thing you'll see would be your busted lips." He warned them as he walked out.

Jungkook looked around but he didn't see the younger there. He went outside further but all he saw was Taehyung's peaceful neighborhood.

"Where did he go?" Jungkook decided to run to look for the kid, shouting his name here and there to get the latter's attention but he gains no response. He cursed but continued to run to find the boy. When he turned into a corner in the darker part of the neighborhood, there he saw a figure sitting with his back rested on the wall near the post. When he saw the cloak hugging the figure's body it was enough for Jungkook to know who the person is.

Jungkook sighed as he walked close to the said boy. He was now standing in front of him with his hands dug in his pants.

"Why didn't you go inside?" Jimin flinched hearing the voice. He looked up, his face leaving the arms that were wrapped around his knees hugging it.

Jungkook's brows knitted thinking that something happened. "Were you crying?" Jimin did not reply. He shook his head.

"Then say something damn it!" Jungkook shouted. He was mad since earlier because he keeps on thinking that Jimin already decided not to go and it tortured him as time goes by. But what got him more pissed was that Jimin isn't even saying anything to him although he knew that something happened.

Jimin gripped on his cloak and he cried harder. Jungkook was taken aback, his expression softened as he heard Jimin crying his heart out. He felt his chest tighten and cursed himself for losing his temper.

Goddammit, Jeon Jungkook you know how sensitive he is!

Jimin continued crying like a child, his tears just won't stop coming down as he thought that Jungkook was now really mad at him for being such trouble. He keeps making noises and the whole neighborhood could even hear his whimpers.

Jungkook was panicking, he doesn't know what could stop the younger. Instead, he crouched down like Jimin and pulled the boy in a tight hug. He let Jimin cry even though he is starting to get worried because Jimin isn't stopping.

"Shh, calm down okay? I'm sorry for shouting I promise not to it again." Jungkook soothed him, he rubbed the younger's back that was going up and down. He keeps on whispering things and he soon finds the latter stopping slowly but still not the whimpers.

But in a not so further spot, on the other hand, there stands a figure who was looking at them intently. The figure's expression was not amused as he stared at the two. He looked envious, he wanted to look away but he can't. In the end, he gripped on his cup with his jealous stare and walked away with a heavy heart.

The two were still in the same position, Jungkook hugging the smaller.

"I'm so s-sorry Jungkook...I'm s-such a trouble and y-you got mad at m-me." Jimin managed to say between his tears.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm just...worried...since I thought you're not coming." Jungkook cleared is throat embarrassed. It took them more minutes before Jimin stopped crying. Jungkook pulled away to make sure that the latter is now okay. He stood up and offered his hand for the younger to reach.

"Come on, we don't have to go back. It's boring anyways." Jimin reached for his gentle hands and stood as well saying his thank you. Jungkook began to walk away so did Jimin, but then something happened.

Jimin didn't noticed his right feet stepping on his black cloak and when he did... it was too late. The cloak that was covering his body slipped away.

"Hey, hurry up I-" Jungkook looked back but he stopped in his tracks as his eyes widened in shock.

Jimin was uncovered. 

His black coat was already on the street.

His face was exposed. 


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