♛Chptr. 6: He is crazy♛

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Since "Confession's Confusion" has finally ended, I'll begin updating this one like promised!

3rd person's POV

Jungkook just woke up and he noticed that he was already on his bed. The morning light from his window was almost blinding him. He sat up remembering about last night. He still can't forget about how scary it was when he felt that someone was following him. He was so sure that someone is and that he's not just being paranoid!

"Jungkook! Come downstairs, breakfast is ready!" Mrs. Jeon called from the kitchen.

Jungkook looks at the bunch of boxes in his light blue painted room. His new room was big enough for him and for his things. "I should start arranging my things."

He walked downstairs with tired eyes as he yawned. "Mom, have you seen my phone? It's not in my room." Jungkook told whilst stretching his arms and he sat on the chair at their dining table waiting for his mother's reply.

"Your phone? Well, I haven't." Mrs. Jeon replied as she brought her apron down the table and sat in front of Jungkook, already eating their spam and egg for breakfast. Jungkook tilted his head before he started eating. He was thinking of where could he possibly put his phone.

I didn't bring it to school yesterday, didn't I? Because if I did, it would just be in my bag but it isn't.

Jungkook munched on his food while thinking deeply. Of course, he can't lose his phone! It was like his best friend... well since he doesn't really have friends, to begin with.

But it's not in my room either... Just where could- "FUCK!"

"Language!" Mrs. Jeon shouted whilst glaring at Jungkook. Jungkook had his eyes widened from realization.

"It can't be..." He began to panic as Mrs. Jeon noticed this.

"What is it?... You know you've been acting strange since last-"

"Mom I have to go!" Jungkook was already at the door when his mom shouted.

"You are still on your pajamas!" Jungkook stopped on his tracks and hurried upstairs. He took a quick bath and wore his uniform very fast as he gets his backpack readying to go to school.

"Don't you want me to accompany you to school?"

"No need Mom! I'll be running!" Jungkook ran as fast as he could. It took him about 15 minutes to arrive at his new school. He was planning to get into the school that early expecting to get help from his 'new friends'. He got in his classroom with a sweaty forehead to see the five already talking with each other. They were early to school for some 'troublemakers'.

"Hey Jungkook-"

"I need your phone." Jungkook demanded whilst still panting. Taehyung was confused as to why Jungkook was asking for his phone.

"Um, why?"

"I need to make a call."

"Don't you have your own phone?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook was getting frustrated so he stole Jin's phone instead.

"Yah! I'm playing with that!" Jungkook ignored it as he began to dial his phone number. Thank God he remembered his own contact number!

His phone was ringing so now all he has to do is to wait for someone to actually hear the ringing of his phone.

"Please, please, please-" The ringing had stopped, meaning that someone already answered it.

"Oh Thank God! Hello?" Jungkook greeted but the other line was just silent. He heard someone breathing over the line so he was sure that someone was answering it. But why is that person not responding?

♛The Wallflower♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now