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I don't own RWBY, Batman, nor any of their characters involved within this story. They each belong to their respective owners.

IMPORTANT: AFTER THIS CHAPTER, I WILL CEASE WRITING THESE SUPER-LONG CHAPTERS. I REALIZE THAT THIS IS JUST HURTING YOU GUYS AND MYSELF IN THE LONG RUN. SO, FROM NOW ON, CHAPTERS WILL BE AROUND 2,000 to maybe 3,000 words long instead of 6 to 10,000. I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this point, but I was just used to writing those kinds of chapter for my other website. I am hoping that with this new rule, I'll actually be able to come through for you guys more often.

WARNING: Parts of this chapter will be pretty gruesome and dark for some people. I'm just warning you all.

Raven looked over Vale, a tear tracing down from one of her red eyes as she watched Bullheads fly overhead. Her gaze drifting, the Huntress could see Atlas troops walking through the city while the citizens watched fearfully from their doorways.


Raven stormed through the hallway of the Atlesian ship, but stopped when she saw the bodies. Dozens of wounded or dying lay in the hallway as their comrades helped some of them to a medic.

Qrow: I still can't believe that Y/N and his group were able to do this.

Raven sighed and continued her way to the bridge. As soon as the doors opened, her red eyes focused on Winter Schnee.

Raven: What the hell do you think you're doing?!

Winter turned from the hologram of Vale to look at her with tired eyes before she sighed, a single hand resting on her saber's hilt.

Winter: What are you yelling about, Brawnwen?

Raven: (as the rest of team filed in) Your troops are routing people back into the city! They need to be evacuated!

Ozpin: (walking in) Ms. Schnee, Raven is simply concerned for the people.

Winter: As am I, which is why I'm initializing martial law in Vale as of now.

Qrow: You can't be serious!

Tai: We have to get those people out of here right now before Y/N stages another attack! Every person in this city is at risk!

Winter: (clenching her fists) You don't think I know that?! Do you have any idea how hard this is for me? I don't have a choice. My troops have reported swarms of Grimm from nearly every direction, surrounding the city. I will evacuate the civilians, but I can only evacuate them in coordinated groups from the docks right now. I can't risk sending them through anywhere else until someone clears those Grimm out. If the four of you want to help those people, do it by either clearing out those Grimm with my men or searching the city for those psychos!

Everyone was silent after that outburst, even Qrow. After a few seconds, Ozpin cleared his throat and spoke.

Ozpin: How is James?

Winter: (sighs) We were able to get him medical care before it was too severe. Several of his bones are broken and the medics were able to patch up some internal wounds. However, they found a toxin in his bloodstream and decided to keep him in an induced coma until they can treat him properly. Listen, the last thing I want is for all of us to be fighting amongst ourselves. I need every asset I can get on the ground. If you clear out enough Grimm, my men might be able to secure more evacuation routes.

Raven: (sighs) Fine. We'll get on it.

Flashback End:

It's been nearly a week since that night. No one has seen any sign of Y/N or the others since they escaped and after the attack, Winter and Ozpin decided it would be safer for the students to take refuge in a section of the city cleared out as a "safe zone". However, Ozpin insisted on staying at the school with Goodwitch at his side to protect the comatose Fall Maiden. Yang and Ruby had hated it, but reluctantly agreed to stay inside the camp. Shaking herself out of it, Raven looked down to the list of addresses on her scroll. Looking up, she couldn't help but sigh when she saw the familiar clinic, memories of the numerous times she had taken Yang or even Ruby to this doctor by herself coming back in a flash.

I Don't Care What You Meant! (Joker Male Reader x Cheater Raven)Where stories live. Discover now