Stop Me

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I would like to thank everyone for your continued support. From what I can gather, this story is gathering a little attention. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY, Batman, or any of the franchises that appears in this story, nor do I own the characters. They belong to the respective owners.

Raven's POV:

The morning after the bridge, Raven yawned while she sat up and stretched out her arms. Looking over to the other side of the room, she saw Tai sleeping while facing away from her. Before Yang had left for Beacon with Ruby, Raven and Tai had played the role of a happy couple. The moment that they were enrolled, the new rules set in. One of them would sleep in the living room while the other took the bed, usually that being Raven with the frequency of missions she went on. Raven didn't show any of those moves of affection as she had for years and Tai wouldn't try to initiate any.

Last night had been the only time that they had slept in the same room for months, Raven too exhausted to really enforce the rules. Getting up from the mattress, she tossed her side of the blanket away and slowly walked to the shower with Tai stirring in the bed behind her.

Time Skip:

Ruby: We saw the news on the TV this morning! You guys took down 3 bad guys and the guys helping them?! That's awesome!

Yang: What was it like?

Tai: (rubs the back of his head) It was pretty much the same as our other missions. We managed to catch one of the inmates from Arkham.

Yang: The news report said his name was Fire-something?

Qrow: (pointing to some of his burnt hair) Firefly. Let me tell you, he didn't get his name for nothing.

Raven: But we all managed to get out of there without a hitch. We're all safe and you don't have anything to worry about.

Ruby: (hopping excitedly) Does that mean we could tag along for the others?

Summer: (rubbing her excited daughter's hair) I'm afraid not, Ruby. That one is behind bars, but there are still 2 more out there. I don't want either of you near them if I can help it.

Qrow: (ruffles Ruby's locks) Besides, you're still learning this stuff, shorty.

Ruby: (pouts and pushes his hand away) Daaaaaad!

Qrow chuckled as he back away before his scroll buzzed. Pulling it out, his eyes scanned the message before they looked over to the others, his eyes already telling them what was going on.

Qrow: Bad news, kiddos. Oz wants us in his office for a debrief with Jimmy.

Raven: Ironwood? Why?

Qrow: Doesn't say, of course. Only tells me it's important.

Tai: (scoffs) Is it ever not important with Ozpin and Ironwood?

Ruby: You guys know the General?

Tai: Yeah, we've met a few times. We'll be back in a little while, kids.

Yang: Yeah.... okay. I'll be in the library with Blake if you guys need me.

With a sigh, Raven walked out of the door with her team right behind her and walked through the halls of her old school with a heavy heart. Every corridor and doorway held their fair share of painful memories. A hallway where she had managed to get Y/N back with a prank, after which he smiled and started laughing with her. A classroom where he had helped her study with a few jokes in-between. When Team STRQ was almost to the elevator, Raven's eyes darted to her left and the memory stopped her in her tracks.

I Don't Care What You Meant! (Joker Male Reader x Cheater Raven)Where stories live. Discover now