A Depressing Saturday

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"Driing... driing" Lyra's phone was ringing. Lyra rarely had any calls from people other than her adoptive family

Lyra puts down her homework and schoolwork, and answers the phone excitedly. "Hello? Lyra? , Josh here.. can we meet up at opium park?"

She blushes with joy because its been literally the first time her boyfriend wants to take her out.

"of course!.. why not?" she says happily, while her cheeks turn red. "we'll meet at 4 pm then, i've got something to tell you.

She puts the phone down excitedly and gets dressed prettier than before and heads over to the park.

she sees Josh from afar and waves. Josh, however with a straight face walked to her blankly and made it straight.

"Josh! why don't we go for a boat ride on the lake over there-" - "Lyra." spills Josh. "Lets break up." Heartlessly, Josh replies.

"why? we just started dating a week ago-" . "I know we've just started, but let me be honest. hm. (laughs) i'm only using you to club enough dollars for myself". he spills again.

Lyra, broken, Ran back to her dorm and started crying non stop."ITS ALWAYS MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!" she sniffles and breaks down.

"Can't there be at least anyone who'd see me as me and love me for me??.. its not fair anymore.." she curls up into a ball and cries all over again.

And so, Lyra decided to Visit the bar downtown to drink away her troubles, and she won't care even if it makes her an alcoholic.

She just wanted to forget her troubles in any method, so she chose drinking.
she got to the bar, ordered a shot, started drinking.

The disco music and the wild atmosphere goes on. people dance wildly, and the women wear skimpy clothing.

Lyra was still drinking when-
The youngest son of the Luye group,zhen Luye , which is the most succesfull company in the whole of China out of the blue visited that very Bar.

As Lyra was taking her shots, she caught Zhen's eye and zhen starts to watch her......

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