Taken II

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Lyra opened her eyes. Her delicate, pale green eyes. Her hair was messy around her like waves of wavy oceans.
Her sight came into focus. She's in a room.

A White room. No. A decorated white room with red carpets, grand decorations , a couch on the other end, and a comfy bed with scattered rose petals around.. her.

She felt anxious and tingly. Where was she?

She realized her wrists were bounded by some kind of satin red sash.

Where..i must be at Xilier's villa or mansion?! but i need to escape, before-

She opened her eyes and stops her thoughts.

It was Xilier. He's wearing a white shirt that's unbuttoned to the nape of his chest.

Lyra squirmed in her place.
"Let me go, you perv!!" She screams while trying to unbind herself which never did.

Xilier just smirked.

"Let me go! i said i won't marry you!!" She screams again, trying to set herself free, flailing her legs around in the open air.

He chuckles sadistically.
His eyes seemed to be taunting Lyra.

"Since you won't , you'll still be mine after tonight. Then we'll get married due to our early 'family planning'.."
He threw his necktie off.

He went onto the bed, terrifying Lyra with every move.

"LET ME GO YOU PERV!" She yells while kicking the air.

He catches one of her legs.

"You're so beautiful.." He lifts her left leg to his lips and kisses it passionately, leaving a tingling sensation on Lyra.

"No.." She could feel her eyes teary.

He smiled again.

"But you would look more beautiful later.." He smirks while moving his hand slowly from her ankles.. to her thighs when-


Zhen Luye bursts open through, panting with a half button shirt.

"Let go of Lyra, Xilier! She's mine!" He steps into the room, pointing to his direction.

Lyra felt helpless.

"ZHEN ! HELP ME!!" Lyra screamed while trying to kick him.

"Sit tight , Kitten. I've got someone to deal with." Zhen snaps his fingers.

Dozens of men came into the room.

Xilier fainted when one of the men covered a cloth behind him.

"Lets go, kitten. You're safe now."
He untied Lyra and carried her bridal style. Lyra just remained in embarrassed silence.

"Th-thank you, .... Zhen.." She looked at up him while looking back down.

"No need to care. You're the woman i want to care for .."His lips stopped moving.

"Zhen..?" Lyra blushed.

"The woman i want to care for until death parts us." He kissed her on her forehead.

"W-wait!.. what-" Then she finally understood.

Zhen just chuckled and held her more tightly as they went into the car to get to his mansion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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