Frivolous playboy II

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Xilier sat in the limousine, a servant helped to close the door for him. Alone in the limousine with his driver, he
only said a few words.

"The su's mansion."
He glares at him , as he starts to spin the driving wheel and stepped on the boost as fast as he could.

as Xilier sat like a bored kid in a classroom, he started to doze off a little along the journey.

He wakes up in a meadow field, where the daisies sway in sync with the wind. It felt so real..

He could see a figure of a girl, no, a woman.. running up to him from a far distance..

She smiles at him and reaches her hand to him.

"Lyra.. su?.." he reaches his hand in the air, and all of a sudden, he wakes up.

He wakes up finding his arm reaching out in the air.
He actually didn't intend to wake up from such a beautiful dream.
And of course, it motivated him even more to capture that woman and make her his..

and only his..

"Young master, we've arrived. Will you contact me when i'll pick you up?"
The driver snapped him out of his absent mindedness.

"Of course."
After he replies, he steps out of the long black car and steps into the house.

The Su family's butler noticed his sudden arrival, and immediately informed the household owner.

A few maids were waiting outside.

"Young master Lei, welcome. Mrs. Su and Mr. Su awaits your presence inside this way." They bowed in sync, and formally announced.

Xilier didn't say anything. He went inside following the butler and when he reached the room , they were seated, and invited him for a seat.

"What brings such an important guest to our home?" Miss Xini politely settled her teacup down on the table, and gestured a maid next to her with a tray of made tea pour some in Xilier's cup.

"Is there anything Young master needs?" Elvis su stares straight at Xilier. He knew Xilier doesn't show up without reason.

"I heard you've disowned Lyra. I'm wondering where she is?". Xilier ignored the cup of tea poured by the maid.

"I don't know your reasons to find her, but if you didn't know, I assume she's staying with Zhen Luye." Elvis glares at Xilier.

"And we don't know why, probrably because she wants to find herself a sugar daddy." Xini mocked while smiling.

Xilier slammed the table. "Is she still a student in her current College?!" .

His voice echoes, frightening the companions in the room.

"Yes.. she is still a student there.." Xini frightenedly replies, her hands like jelly.

"Thank you for your time!!" He slams the table as he got up, and immediately  went outside and called his driver to drive to Ren College,

The college Lyra attended.

As he reached there, he immediately got off the limousine, ignoring the presence of goggled eyes of the other students there, observing his every movement towards the college.

He stormed to the receptionist counter of the college.

"I'm here to see Lyra su." His bodyguards were all standing behind him, scaring the receptionist herself.

"E-em.. her class has already finished.. and i'm sure she might be over there .. somewhere.." The receptionist pointed  to the open back entrance, where most of all the studence hung around, waiting for a bus home, or waiting for someone to pick them up.

As he went to where the receptionist pointed, he made almost every girl in the college area fell in love at first sight with him.

"Oh my gosh.. he's so hot.."

"I know.. he looks like an ideal husband!!"

Xilier ignored the flirty comments.

As he saw her, he walked towards her..

Mei Ling, a friend of Lyra began nudging her friend.

"Lyra! look at that hottie! do you know him?? he's walking right towards our direction!" She squealed in love.

Lyra turned from her book and looked up to see...

Xilier. He walked towards her slowly, his serious expression pierced through her heart.


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