Breakfast in bed

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Lyra opened her eyes to a knock on her room door. She opens it to find one of the maids bringing a tray of delicious food into her room.

"Miss.. these are yours.." she bowed. But before she left, Lyra grabbed her shoulder.

"Wait.. why is my breakfast in my room.. shouldn't it be in the dining room..? please take it out.." she politely declined the food and gave it back to the maid.

"Eh! but miss, young master wants you to have your food here because today he has a meeting.. and will only allow you to eat in the dining room when he is around." the maid handed the tray back to Lyra.

"I see.." Lyra nodded and after thanking the maid, closed her door.

Lyra placed the food on her bed, and started eating. She had never ever had this kind of meal routine before. It just seemed so strange for her.

"Strange feeling, eating breakfeast in bed.." She brooded, while munching down her omelette.

"Is that so?".

She turned her head immediately to her door's direction.

It was Zhen Luye, standing in his suit and his cologne blended in sync in the air, until Lyra herself could smell it too.

"Uh!..Zhen! did you-"

Zhen chuckled, as always in his seductive expression. "If you find this feeling strange, having breakfeast in bed.... can i make it stranger?" he goes over to Lyra and sat on her bed.

Lyra was completely red.

"I-i.. need to go to class soon!!" she stammers while yelling in embarrassment.

"hmm? wasn't your tution fees cut dowm by your fosters?" Zhen confusingly asked.

"Er.. about that.. my fosters only cut down my dorm rent.. but they're still paying my tution fees suprisingly."
Lyra lifts a finger to push a strand of hair behind her ear.

"What weird 'parents' you have." he lifted a brow while standing up from the bed.

"You could say that.. haha.. " She tried to joke along while she stood up to pack her bag.

"I'll send you." Zhen glanced at her and left the door while smirking.

She blushed again, and went to get ready for classes.

When she went down the stairs, The butler was already waiting there, with his pose as always.

"Miss Lyra, master Zhen  awaits in the car. Please get in for your college.

"ok.." She bowed a little and went to the car. She was never treated like this in her family. Even the butlers and maids were cruel and harsh towards her.

She felt grateful although it was a stranger treating her this way without any reason. So why not give in?

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