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  "Wait- i dont get this.. why did you take me home last night.." she nervously blurted, dumbfounded.

  "i-i don't even have a clue on whats going on".. she stood, still with her mouth wide open.

  A seductive chuckle broke the awkwardness. "Innocent thing", he looked at her, who was still dumbfounded at the moment.

   "You really have no clue on why you're here?", he continued. "why.." she motionlessy looked at him.

  "Women would hound me like mad wolves, while you.. you're very different. You don't even have a clue on who i am, or what my name is, correct?" he smiled.

"No.. i don't know you.. and i don't even know why you would care and bring me here, to this palace like house.. and judging from this place, i assume you are .. powerfull?" guessing with her finger on her chin, looking at Zhen.

   "Thats good then.", He smirked."  Laine! bring this girl a fine tailored dress, and make her look as presentable as possible. Tonight, she will be my party companion." He snapped his fingers at the maid, while looking at Lyra.

"As for who i am.. you will know soon.. and you like it or not, you're my party companion tonight." , He seriously glanced at Lyra, who was still standing there. "Well, after the dinner thing, can i go home-" -"Home? you're joking. You have no home at the moment , and from today onwards, you will be living here. I'm being generous, and appreciate it." He left the study and tightened his necktie, and the sound of soft shoe taps were left behind.

"Well.. he's not bad.. but i guess i'll just live here with this stranger, i like it or not, because i've no place to stay, and my scholarship to pay my dorm rent was cutt off by my fosters". Lyra paused for a while. "Come to think of it, even if this is weird, its atcually a good opportunity."

Lyra smiled and brushed her hair back behind her ear. "Guess i should apologize and move out as soon as i have enough money to get a rent in an apartment, don't wanna depend too much on this kind stranger." Soon, a soft tap was felt on her shoulder.

"Miss Lyra, let me show you to your room." A maid behind her , smiling gently. "Oh.. Of course!.." she stuttered a little as she followed the maid to another room, this time, more decorated, and suited to Lyra's taste.

/How did he know that turquoise is my favourite colour../ she thought to herself, curious. /Maybe its just a coincidence/ she fought back her suspicious thoughts.

Lyra decided to tour around her room and bathroom, and they seem luxurious. "My room is too big," she giggled a little, but grateful to have a room bigger than what her foster parents gave her.

Her fosters gave her a maid's room, only enough to fit a bed and some books, while looking back, the room her fosters gave to her was nothing compared to this beautiful, luxurious bedroom, that even came with a bath.

She'd never seen anything like it before. She traced her fingers along the wall, and touched the bed to feel its softness. She jumped to bed, and started getting excited because her bed has never been this soft before.

as she was enjoying her bedroom, through the door creak, without realizing, Zhen was leaning on her room wall all along, and chuckling because he'd never seen such a hillbilly like her to be so happy with just a bedroom.

  She noticed he was there, and quickly stopped fooling around in the room. She embarrassingly stuttered "t-thank you.. i-i've never had a room like this b-before." she looked down at the floor, her face turning red.

Zhen just smiled and said "You seem too happy with just this", he looked at her, with tender eyes.

"Get dressed, hillbilly, we're attending the party. ",He called the maid to bring up her dress.

"Thanks! and for letting me stay here too.." she mumbled again. "Don't mention it.. as for the reason.. you'll find it out quite soon." He again seductively chuckled, and left the room with a grin.

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