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  /Lyra stares at the floor outside a flower shop, as she gets drenched by the rain./ As she emotionlessly  stares back at the rain,  like an antique doll, not moving.

Her heart throbs wildly and uneasily. Her hair is now wet, caused by the water droplets. People pass by, ignoring her.

  "home.." she mutters. "i want to go home..." , she stares up to the sky as she gets reminded of the arranged marriage. "tch!" she spat out.

Just then, an umbrella sheltered over her head. she saw a tall figure, but she was so soaked by the rain, she fainted little by little as her vision was blurring out.

"innocent thing", Zhen whispered. "You're so dangerous, i'm worried someone else might snatch you away." He passionately looked at her face.

   Zhen took her back to his mansion, and ordered a few maids to wash her up and clothe her and lay her down on the guest room bed.

   As the rain was stopping, Zhen kissed her on the forehead. soon, as Lyra was sleeping, he read the trending news of the su family online.

               !!  DAILY  -   UPDATE!!

     Su family kicks out foster daughter because  of   objections to arranged marriage to the Lei family!


Zhen already knew who they kicked out. He looked over at Lyra, who was sleeping gently, like sleeping beauty.
"Lei family? the heir of that family is a famous playboy."

He stares at Lyra.
"Gossips are everywhere, but for you, i'm willing to remove this gossip from existence."

His face darkens and he smiles. "But however, wherever, you'll never run away from .. ". He brings his lips close to her face. "me..", he kisses her on her forehead, and caresses her face and kisses her cheek.

"If you won't want to accept me," he says darkly. "i'll Make you", posesively he says, and leaves the guest room to run some business agreements.

Sometime later, Lyra woke up, and looked around. It was the same roon she'd been in the last time she was drunk when she woke up.

  Lyra looked so much like a nymph, she could even be mistaken as one.
"Who brought me here.. wasn't i .. in the rain or something?".. she sits up and wears a confused face.

Just then, a maid entered the room. "Miss su, master Zhen is waiting for you at the study, he has something to tell you .

"I'm no longer miss su, but it's alright to address me like that." She sighs. Then, she began her way to the study.

"Lyra su." He grinned and looked at her as she was standing in the doorway. "Before that, let me clear up somethings.." she interrupted.

"First, i'm no longer Lyra su, only Lyra, second, how did you find me, and how do you know almost everything about me??" she questions him curiously.

"hm, too easy." He smirks and starts to answer. "I know you're no longer a daughter of the su's, i've set a GPS on some belongings you have, and i've got someone to get me your details."

Lyra opened her mouth wide open without realizing and starts to decide what to do.

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