A grand party

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Zhen left the room, leaving Lyra to get ready , and called a maid to help her into the dress.

Lyra looked at the present box on the bed, that was given to her by the maid.
She opened the box, and tears ran down her face.

It was so beautiful, that dress thats in her hands. It had a glittering, shimmer. It came in purple, with a peach ombré from the bottom.

It was flowy, It reached to her knees, and had frilly layerings inside. The maid helped her to slip it on, and styled her. She couldn't believe it. She doesn't even recognize herself. Is this really her? because all the things she had worn was nothing compared to this.

She thanked the maid, and went outside to the mansion's entrance. There, she saw him. He looked so handsome, she thought she was dreaming about everything. Worst of all, she doesn't even know his name.

His slick, combed hair with hairgel and suit made him even more unreal. Lyra pinched herself, just to find if she isn't dreaming. "Why are you pinching yourself, little Lyra?", he asked smirkingly. "Nothing, hehe..and thanks for this dress!" Lyra beamed, with excitement. Zhen looked at Lyra more carefully. His heart started beating louder. She was so beautiful, like she just fell from heaven.

"Well, lets.. em, get going!, ahem!" he blushed while looking down and reaching his palm towards Lyra for her hand.

"Of course!.. and i mean.. uh.. you don't look so bad!".. she blushed and took his hand.

They got into his limousine, and the driver drove them to the party destination. "Hehe, nice car selection you got.", Lyra joked while observing the details of the limousine.

"Course. Thank you for the compliment", He replies while getting the joke. Soon in a few minutes they arrived, and the maid of the party opened the door for them. When they've stepped out, cameras flashed. Lyra couldn't believe it. She felt like a celebrity. But who is this man beside her that's so famous?.

They got to the party, and reporters started crowding the way. "Sir, who's this woman beside you?" , a reporter asked nervously. "A very important female companion." He replies boldly, while caressing her waist, pulling her towards him.

/Important person../ Lyra thought. /No one has ever said that to me, not even my foster parents./ As she was lost in thought, the party host orders the reporters to clear the way, and received the invitation letter.

"Seems like you got yourself a companion", the host said while smirking and winking at Zhen. "Course, everyone needs one." he replies.

"Well, don't just stand there, get around, chat and stay longer!", He said  happily, while he waved and waited back at the door. Zhen grabbed Lyra's hand and lead her to the ballroom. It was so humongous, She felt like she was the cinderella there.

"Oh , how rich  people can become!" she exclaimed while gasping for air."
There, she saw all types of posh cuisine, celebrities, and even the most famous actors , singers and business men from the world.

"You're lucky." He looks at her. "Yes, i am. Gotta admit that!" She exclaims again. "Hmm. Well, i need to discuss something with some people over there, grab yourself a drink, and be safe. Be back later. And don't wander too far." He left her there, and headed over the other side of the room to discuss some business agreements.

Meanwhile, she grabbed herself a grape juice, and tried some treats. "Oh , holy shawl! this is a rare once in a lifetime thing!" she happily commented in her mind, and hanged around to observe the ballroom.

"What a coincidence!" a voice popped behind her. It was her foster mother, Xini Su, and her foster father , Elvis Su. "Seems like you've got yourself a sugar daddy, but its not too late to sign back into the family and marry the heir of Lei's company." Her mother mockingly said, while evily glaring at her while smiling.

"Sorry, i don't want to get back into the family, and last of all , i'm not-"
"Shh.. i'll cover this part, little Lyra" A hand from behind made a silence gesture with his hand and pressed it onto her lips.

"You!.. its you!.. its Zhen Luye from Zhen's company!!" her mother shaking with fear exclaimed in shock until she fell to her knees. Her father also shook with fear, that he couldn't even say a single letter.

"Don't mess with my belongings!". He frighteningly glares at the two, who was on the floor, and  everyone turned to look, and gossip penetrated the silence.

He pulled her hand and went into the car, with her. "Zhen Luye.." she shockingly made her words.
"You.. You're the most famous business man from a successful company!" she replied again. "So this is how you look like.. i've heard about you but never seen you!" she exclaimed.

"heh, Seems like you know now", he grabbed her chin gently and looked at her while she blushed.

"I don't know if i could be honoured to stay in your house anymore", she stared at his eyes.

"You are more than honoured to", he gently replies, and signalled the driver to drive.

"But why would you want to help me by letting me stay at your mansion, i don't remember doing any good favours to you!".

"Hm.. That is so easy to answer, even a child would figure it out".

"Then why?"

"That is a secret". He said seductively.

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